Troxell’s Big Red Orchard – apples in abundance

Head out Highway 299 east from Redding for about 34 miles. Just past the Montgomery Creek School on the right, you’ll find Troxell’s Big Red Orchard. That’s the place to go to buy fresh apples. (530) 337-6699


Troxells6Troxells5Gerald Troxell will help you figure out which apple will work best for your particular appetite, or for what cooking plans you have in mind. They’ve got all the popular varieties. The Round Mountain/Montgomery Creek microclimate has always been well suited to apple orchards.

“A is for apple, shiny and round.”

Bag them yourself, a dollar fifty a pound.

(Edit) OMG You just have to try the King David variety!

Call for details (530) 337-6699

Get your Fall produce from the source. It’s Really Redding.


Backyard eggs from Redding

Redding allows residents to keep chickens, with some restrictions. We’ve noticed a lot of people have backyard birds. Among them is daughter Abby and her husband Robby. Today they brought over a dozen brightly colored cuisine.
AbbyEggsDo it yourself breakfast, it’s Really Redding.

Wish list for Shasta County: A “Good Eggs” type business

Hey, you entrepreneurial types out there in the Redding area. Local farmers, cooks, and others need an online service like the one that Good Eggs provides. Click on the image below to explore the SF version.
Good Eggs San FranciscoThe idea would no doubt need to be tweaked for our region. We have plenty of farmers, ranchers, fishermen, -butchers, bakers, and candlestick makers. Whatever. They just need better distribution. The idea is intriguing. With all our local underemployed folks wondering how to start a business on shoestring, somebody ought to be able to figure this out.

Anselmo Sunday Brunch dishes

Just a couple images from last Sunday Brunch at Anselmo. Steak Danielle, and Eggs Benedict in Sirloin Medallions. Tasted as good as it looks.
Sunday Brunch at Anselmo at InnwoodSunday Brunch at Anselmo at Innwood by Skip MurphyClick to enlarge, if you can handle full-on food porn. Just another sunny Sunday on the patio at Inwood. It’s Really Redding.

The Gourmet

A lively group of Redding people have been meeting every month over the last 40+ years to share a meal. The membership has evolved over the years, but the theme persists:
The Gourmet.

I was invited after a regular member had to bow out at the last minute. The idea is that the host prepares the main dish, and the guests bring other courses. This is far from a potluck, however. The emphasis is on cuisine and company. A theme for the evening was persimmons, and so we had a persimmon based soup, and main dish. Our hosts were Jim and Mary Carr of Redding.
In my work as real estate agent, I have seen many large and elaborate kitchens described as “gourmet.” The Carr’s diminutive kitchen workspace reminds us all that good culinary experiences are not at all reliant on size. My deep gratitude goes to the guests and hosts who made this evening so spirited. The Gourmet, it’s Really Redding.

Churn Creek Meadow Organic Farm delivers to your door

CCMOF is an organic farm that offers fresh produce grown in the fertile soil of world renowned Churn Creek Bottom. Then, they offer free delivery to your home or office. check out their website:
Churn Creek Meadow Organic Farm near Redding CAA local business offering to locals. Buying food grown nearby reduced your carbon footprint. They are hosting a Family Farm Day where you can get a fresh brunch 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM on September 3. Mark your calendar! There’s a flyer about this local Family Farming event at the link. The “Bottom” has been a local source of fresh produce since, well forever. Grow on. That’s Really Redding.
Churn Creek Meadow Organic Farm Event

Bob Moore and his mill provide bountiful whole grain goodness

Redding wouldn’t be complete without our grain mill. All great civilizations throughout history have relied on gristmills to provide the staff of life, going back to the Old Testament. Our terrific local mill is Moores Mill, founded by miller Bob Moore.Bob Moore of Moores Mill in ReddingMoores when it came to ReddingI recall when they originally opened shop, in a quonset style building on Highway 273. Acceptance of the new venture was not guaranteed. Some local opinions I recall were that white, so called “enriched” flour was the modern wonder food. Whole grains, coarsely ground, seemed an anachronistic, outdated idea to many.

Not for me. I’ve been a regular customer and raving fan since their inception. For me, Redding’s (and my) quality of life would be diminished greatly without Moores Mill.

Moores Mill in ReddingMoores Mill in ReddingThey have subsequently expanded into other related human-friendly foods. Spices. Teas. Specialty beans. Creative pasta I have not seen anywhere else. And amazing bread mixes for bread machines. The Cranberry Walnut bread is sublime. Recipes, and books. Juices and local honey. I could go on and on.

We actually buy Grains and Nut Granola there in 25 lb bags(!), and eat it for breakfast. Mixed with plain yougurt, it’s the true breakfast of champions. Throw in some sunflower seeds, and chop some fresh almonds in.
Is it health food or desert? No need to choose. It’s both.
Moores Mill in ReddingThere has probably never been a single day that something from Moores was not in my kitchen, since 1975. The staff of life. Mills have always played an important role in Shasta County (see Millville). Thanks Bob.
Moores Mill proves the wisdom: 23 Jeremiah 1–19 As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap.
A harvest of goodness.

A dinner proposal

Friday’s dinner was supposed to be special. But we didn’t know just how special it would be. Earlier, we learned French Chef Reynald Tel was no longer cooking at the By The Way, or Bourbon and Bull bar. Too bad. But we also learned he was trying to expand his catering business. So naturally we invited him over to cook. Just a little French Style tasting. Which turned into 8 courses with appropriate French wine pairings. Oh my. Words fail.
So, watch this in HD for full effect. Originally edited to Edith Piaf “La Vie En Rose,” from 1946, which you would think would be Public Domain or at least fair Use for Non Commercial. But YouTube won’t let you see that version, so here’s an alternate. If you start the video with sound off, then click on link (above) for Edith Piaf, you can almost hear it as intended. It won’t sync up, but you’ll get the gist of it.

As spectacular as dinner was, it was only the prelude the to main event. Unknown to anyone but himself, Aaron Rader planned to propose to Erin Murphy at this dinner. He asked to play a DVD he’d brought with him. And this is what we saw.

She said yes.

It was a fantastic night. Here is the tasting menu, which is a fun read.
And De Reynald Catering can be reached at (530) 710 4098, for events and cooking lessons. Highly recommended, shall we say!
De Reynald catering