It’s a party! And any funds raised go to the Shasta Women’s Refuge. Check it out! Help Erin and Max win this thing!!
Rare Annular Eclipse directly over Redding
Redding was not far from being directly under the path of totality for yesterday’s rare Annular Eclipse of the Sun.
So of course, I felt compelled to build a Solar Observatory.
Here are some images of what we saw. I was tweeting in real time using hashtag #ReddingEclipse, but only a few locals were using twitter. A great many images appeared on Facebook later. Some quite creative.
Interesting to look at the ring and see the shadow of the moon racing across the Earth. It was a big event around here. I hope nobody tried looking directly at it. There were plenty of warnings.
Free celestial science displays. It’s Really Redding.
A few Redding Rodeo images
Tickets on sale for Dancing With The Stars Shasta County Style
They are going fast. Buy them before they are all sold out…
Edit: Actually, I’m now told you can’t buy them online yet, so today’s post was premature. Sorry for any inconvenience. Stay tuned.
Edit-Edit Okay, Now I am being assured you can order seats here:
Practice continues for Erin Murphy for Dancing with the Stars Shasta County fundraiser.
Here’s a quick look at Erin’s dance partner Max Friedman, and the choreography help being given by his brother Joe.
This is a fundraiser for a great cause, The Shasta Women’s Refuge and The Family Justice Center. Both are organizations we strongly support. This event is one their largest fundraisers, and deserves your support as well. Thanks for watching! Stay tuned here for more video glimpses behind the scenes as the dance takes shape!
A lovely barn in Bella Vista
Bob Moore and his mill provide bountiful whole grain goodness
Redding wouldn’t be complete without our grain mill. All great civilizations throughout history have relied on gristmills to provide the staff of life, going back to the Old Testament. Our terrific local mill is Moores Mill, founded by miller Bob Moore.I recall when they originally opened shop, in a quonset style building on Highway 273. Acceptance of the new venture was not guaranteed. Some local opinions I recall were that white, so called “enriched” flour was the modern wonder food. Whole grains, coarsely ground, seemed an anachronistic, outdated idea to many.
Not for me. I’ve been a regular customer and raving fan since their inception. For me, Redding’s (and my) quality of life would be diminished greatly without Moores Mill.
They have subsequently expanded into other related human-friendly foods. Spices. Teas. Specialty beans. Creative pasta I have not seen anywhere else. And amazing bread mixes for bread machines. The Cranberry Walnut bread is sublime. Recipes, and books. Juices and local honey. I could go on and on.
We actually buy Grains and Nut Granola there in 25 lb bags(!), and eat it for breakfast. Mixed with plain yougurt, it’s the true breakfast of champions. Throw in some sunflower seeds, and chop some fresh almonds in.
Is it health food or desert? No need to choose. It’s both.
There has probably never been a single day that something from Moores was not in my kitchen, since 1975. The staff of life. Mills have always played an important role in Shasta County (see Millville). Thanks Bob.
Moores Mill proves the wisdom: 23 Jeremiah 1–19 As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap.
A harvest of goodness.
Lovely backyard flower photo “The Embrace.”
Took this image yesterday of a French Iris being being curled on by the tendrils of a viny plant of some sort. Looks like a tender embrace.
I flipped it around and saved it at 1920 X 1200 to fit as my screensaver. If you’d like to use it, you can click on it here:
It’s a striking and somewhat poetic image for my screen background. I have some other Redding images I’ve taken that rotate across my desktop over time. I’ll be linking to them as time goes by. If you’d like to use one as a screensaver, but perhaps need a different size/ratio, let me know.
SJ Denham body shop utilizes the net to deliver service
A recent fender bender type accident on Lake Boulevard left my little Miata somewhat worse for wear. I took it to fellow Chamber of Commerce member and longtime Redding automobile dealer SJ Denham on North Market Street for repair. I discovered that they have a website that lets you follow along with images as their shop performs the repairs. Neat stuff!
I knew my little car would be in good hands at the Denham’s place. But I thought it extraordinary that you can see exactly what’s happening from your desk. A welcome innovation from the forward thinking Denhams.
My fuel sipping Miata is 21 years old now. Of legal age to drink alcohol, instead of gasoline. Maybe it’s cheaper! Thanks SJ Denham, for keeping the economical Mazda on the road and looking sharp.