Just another spectacular Autumn day in Northern California. The relatively high lake level seems extra fortuitous for this time of year, perhaps heralding another bountiful water year, climate permitting. The lady of the mountain wearing a skimpy, powdery negligee in anticipation of her dense white winter cloak to come. Meanwhile, these balmy days grow shorter. Make the most of them.
Snowboarding the Mt Shasta Ski Park
Snowboarding on Mt. Shasta with my grandson
About an hour drive north on I-5 from Redding is the Mt Shasta Ski Park. Went up on Sunday 1/22/2023 and captured this photo of my grandson, 9, with the glorious mountain in the background, sporting a lenticular cloud crown.
Such an amazing facility to have so nearby! Winter sports, it’s Really Redding.
Wide view of Mt Shasta Ski Park on an epic Saturday!
A gorgeous 60 minute drive north from Redding will deliver you to the Mt Shasta Ski Park. It has always had a great family atmosphere, with parents dropping kids off for the day, and where you often met your neighbors and acquaintances.
This year, they added a new quad chair lift to the 8,000 ft Gray Butte, opening miles of new terrain. And in the process, this will make it much more of a destination ski resort. The ski park has had some rough years recently, fraught with drought and pandemic woes. So delicious to see it on an epic Saturday, with hundreds of people reveling under blue skies with perfect snow conditions! Let’s hope this terrific weather continues.