Barcelona comfort food Shasta County style?

Cannabis Gelato. Remember, you saw it here first, Redding.

CannabisGelatoErin said this idea might take off in the U.S. like Starbucks. Maybe so. Afterall, we already have cannabis products like girl scout cookie weed, so why no icecream as well?

I’d rather see this comfort food, below. Paella and Sangria enjoyed at a sidewalk cafe. More like this please.

Paella and Sangria
On the other hand, here’s an image Redding folks wouldn’t much care for. We would call it tight parking.

Tight parking

Here are a few more images of Barcelona from our recent journey. Click to enlarge, and click enlarged image to exit.
Spain feels very comfortable, indeed.

Candy shop -sm

My images of the Vatican

Some of you know I recently toured cities of the Mediterranean, accompanied by the lovely Karry. I like photography, so some of you have requested that I post my travel shots. Here are some (okay, 48) Vatican images, in no particular order. I hope you enjoy viewing as much as I did capturing them. Click on the image to expand, and then click on the expanded image to exit the slideshow.

It’s not Really Redding, but it is really beautiful.

Karry and Skip go to the Vatican -sm

A European city with a Redding flavor

This part of Valencia Spain is called the City of Arts and Sciences. Designed by architect Santiago Calatrava. Visiting felt immediately familiar to this Reddingite. Here are a few images I captured a couple weeks ago. Click on any to slightly expand.
Calatrava 5 smThose tile covered night lighting fixtures look very familiar.
Calatrava 7 sm

Calatrava 9 sm

Calatrava 10 sm

Calatrava1 sm

Calatrava3 sm

Calatrava2 -sm

Calatrava 4 -sm

Calatrava 8 sm

Calatrava 11 smAll so very photogenic. There are more (and better) Valencia images at the Calatrava website. Worth a look. Beautiful examples of his signature work. And here’s an interesting interview with the architect from a few years back.