City of Shasta Lake Civic Center

Enough Covid gloom. I feel like I need to get back to regular posting.

Here’s some photos I took today of the City of Shasta Lake’s Civic Center. I think it looks pretty terrific. Especially so if you had seen it’s predecessor. Located on the former campus where my kids went to middle school.

SLC sign

High water release at Shasta Dam

A series of views of the Shasta Dam spillway running at high water release I captured on Feb 12 2017. This water flows into the Sacramento River. I believe the flow was around 70,000 cubic feet per second at this point.

I think this was about the same time that state officials became seriously concerned about the Oroville Dam. Shasta looks solid, though. Click to enlarge:

A TV station in Medford Oregon called and asked permission to use my footage of the Shasta Dam spillway, which I found to be gratifying. I asked them to attribute it to Really Redding.

State of the City of Shasta Lake looks bright

Shasta Lake CityI had the pleasure of attending the State of the City luncheon for Shasta Lake City today. Mayor Rod Lindsay addressed the attendees, and later offered a presentation about the good things happening in Shasta Lake. Actually, quite a bit of good. SLC has always been a favorite place for me. Down to earth and funky, and not much attempt made to hide that fact. The Boomtown roots still define the place. The city never made a lot from sales tax, so the current slump hasn’t hit quite so hard as elsewhere. This new Sheriff substation is setting an upscale tone. I went over and took a look for myself today after seeing it in the presentation, and I have to say it really looks grand. Built for LEED certification as well.
Sheriff station in Shasta Lake CityShasta Lake City
Good work, Shasta Lake City. Keep it up.

Shasta Lake School


“Act as though it were impossible to fail. A positive attitude helps bridge the gap between ability and aspiration.” Shasta Lake School principal Helen Herd quotes Emerson at the Shasta Lake School website.
Longtime residents may remember this school as Deer Creek. Now a modern K-8, having benefited much from school bond funds, this lovely building displays our community’s commitment to our young. The Gateway District has a terrific program.

School’s out for a couple months, giving staff a needed break. Are there more under-appreciated workers than those teachers who keep the lid on hormonal middle school kids during a Shasta County Spring? Not a job for the weak of spirit. Have a great Summer, all. Classes start again soon enough (August!).