About ReallyRedding old

Welcome to ReallyRedding!

My name is George Murphy, but people around here all know me as Skip. I live and work in Redding California as a Realtor at The Address Realty, a brokerage I started with one of my daughters, Erin. I’m married to the lovely Karry, and together we’ve lived in Redding for more than 40 years. Redding is home.

I enjoy my work helping people buy and sell real estate, but I also enjoy to taking pictures and writing about Redding. Looking back through my posts, I think this blog offers a unique view of life in the Redding and Shasta County area. I enjoy it very much when people tell me they connect with something I wrote, or an image, or some of the music I post.

Work, family, and finance define our day to day existence. We all have both an exterior and an interior life. My interior life is filled with family, media, gardening, photography, and music. My work as a Realtor gives me a unique perspective on the way we humans live here, and I sometimes try to share those insights. Few things are quite as personal about a people than our homes and our community.

I have lived in Redding my entire adult life. By choice. I love this place, plain and simple.
Skip Murphy in Redding CA
That’s about it. Anyway welcome, dear reader. I hope that even if you don’t learn anything new here, you will at least have enjoyed reading. My intent is to make the reading interesting, and the viewing artistic. See what you think.

Skip Murphy

Oh and lately, I have been compelled to add: I don’t take money or other considerations in exchange for what I write or photograph. No paid ads appear here either. In addition, I sometimes post images, thumbnails, short quotes, and links to other work online. If you think I need to remove something due to copyright considerations, there’s a take-down form here and we are registered at the Office of Copyright under terms of the DMCA. Virtually all the photos you see here are mine, unless otherwise indicated. If you want to use some of my images or music whole, or in some form (other than a thumbnail linking back here), just ask. I’m easy. We can probably work something out, and with my permission you can run it with only proper attribution (to me and/or RR). I have higher res versions of nearly everything I post. A lot depends on who you are and how you ask. Again, and especially if you are commercial site, I’d appreciate it greatly if you ask permission BEFORE using any of my media.
George (Skip) Murphy – Realtor
The Address Realty
Cal BRE lic 01423715
Call or text (530) 356 4500

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