This downtown Redding banner across windswept Pine Street proclaims it thus: April is Fair Housing Month. So ends 11 months of presumably grueling unfairness. Until May.
Actually, Fair Housing isn’t just a month, its the law. But we need a month to celebrate the law, I suppose. It’s ReallyRedding.
Free legal services for low income folks in the Redding area.
I posted an article over at A News Cafe about local free legal services available to low income individuals and families. It’s pretty comprehensive, so I won’t repeat it all here. Here’s a link to the article about the free legal services in the Redding area. If you don’t need these services right now, perhaps you know someone who does, and can pass this information on to them Thanks!
Above, their office on West street in Redding. Here is a link to the Legal Services of Northern California website for more information.
Redding Eagle Cam shows eggs and chicks
This is my 300th ReallyRedding blogpost! Whew. That’s quite a milestone. Thanks to all my viewers!
Here we see an image my brother Ron sent me of the bald eagle in Redding that’s from the Eagle Cam that’s positioned over near Turtle Bay. As you can see there are eggs involved.

Today I heard we had a hatch. You can click on the image below to get a live image. Redding’s most famous residents with their own Reality Show. Wonders of technology!

Ken DeCamp Photography tonight at Turtle Bay 6-8 pm
Ken DeCamp is a local photographer who takes terrific shots of the natural beauty found in the forests around us. You can view his work this evening at Turtle Bay from 6-8 pm. You can also see examples of his work at his website Well worth your time! Ken is an excellent photographer, and his work will open your eyes to our abundant local natural beauty.
These lichen images are by Skip Murphy, shot last summer on the River Trail.
RABA – Redding's local mass transit system
RABA is the Redding Area Bus Authority. They are the only local mass transit system in the greater Redding area. They also contract with a bus service to Burney. They operate 6 days a week about 12 hours a day. They have stops about ¼ mile apart on the 14 routes. As of this publication the base fare is $1.50 and children under 6 are free. There are a number of monthly passes available. They currently serve about 50,000 people a month. You are encouraged to learn more about our local transit system at their website:
We are lucky to have this system in our town. Redding is a difficult place to get around in without a car. RABA offers a GREEN alternative to automobile ownership. Hopefully they can expand to Palo Cedro and perhaps Shingletown, or even Weaverville someday. Thanks RABA!
Women's Event offers local networking and education
Women Making History was an event held at the Atrium in Downtown Redding on March 21.

It was an opportunity to hear speakers and meet representatives from local Women’s and Family Services, like The NorthState Chapter of California Women Lead.

Featured speaker Heather Wylie from Shasta College, with LWV member Erin Murphy, and Shasta County Assessor/Recorder Leslie Morgan.

Caedy Minoletti with Shasta Womens Refuge, and Kristen Schreder of the Redding Area League of Women Voters

Rose Worthington and Cherrel Kirkland, President of the Soroptimists International of Redding.

Christina Massey (right) represents the Martin Luther King Center’s Positively Girls Club

Susan Wilson, President of the Redding League of Women Voters stands with Erin Murphy at the poster they created for the event, Women Making History. This was just a small sampling of the groups and people at the event. All agreed it was a tremendous success!
Ridding Redding, and changing to Googleville or something
Redding was apparently named after an otherwise unremarkable railroad employee. I think before that, the area was generally known as poverty flats or skunk hollow. Right now, Google is taking applications to bring ultra high speed internet to some lucky community. We have to nominate ourselves, so by all means DO THAT here:
But why not take it up a notch and change the name of our fair town? What have we got to lose? We could be ridding Redding of our poverty flat roots for good. Well, I would lose my cool domain, it’s Really Redding, not Really Googleville. Small price to pay.
Add this URL to the nomination application if you like it:
Be counted. The census matters
I especially loved the first line in the form. “Count all people, including babies…” as though there were some question as to whether babies were people. We got our form yesterday. It’s going right back out. It’s important to count as many folks in our community as actually do live here. We receive benefits according to our actual population. A great many things rely on an accurate count. Do your part.
Many, many years ago I worked a stint as a census enumerator. I learned a lot about Redding and Anderson Streets. And when you knock on doors unannounced, you learn just how many people own watch dogs around here. It’s Really Redding.
Lake level on the rise, looks like an excellent summer ahead
Nick's Bella Vista Grill
Nick’s Grill in Bella Vista looks like an ordinary roadside food stop. Directly on Hwy 299E.
They have all the regular food one might expect. And great coffee. Really, much better coffee than you might expect. But that’s not why we’re here.
Hot pastrami sandwich nirvana. That’s what I’m talkin’ about! This is why you go to Nick’s.
Nick’s Bella Vista Grill, Hwy 299E, in the heart of beautiful Bella Vista CA.