Jaimitos Tacos of Redding

Street tacos are a bit like pizza, in that everyone seems to have a different idea what goes into the dish. Jaimitos is one of the newer taco places in Redding, and offers their idea of street tacos and more.Jaimitos1  Located right on Cypress Avenue.JAimitos2 Jaimitos3

Oops. I cut off the taco portion of the menu. Tacos of all sorts are just over $2
Oops. I cut off the taco portion of the menu. Tacos of all sorts are just over $2
Jaimitos4 “Done right” is a bold claim in the world of street tacos. Check it out and see if you agree. Jaimitos has a Facebook page you can Like, and are located at 916 E Cypress Ave in Really Redding, Phone (530) 768-1047.

Jack’s Seafood in Eureka

We dined at the new Jacks restaurant in Eureka recently.
Jacks EurekaIt’s one of the newest restaurants in Eureka, and one of only few restaurants actually on the waterfront. I think the other waterfront restaurant might be Cafe Marina on Woodley Island.

Jacks waterfront1Eureka Jacks room 1Eureka Jacks appetizers1Above, butterfly shrimp and crab salad in avocado. Below, swordfish and scallops.

Eureka Jacks main1Years ago, I worked regularly in Eureka and we dined often at Lazios, which sadly burned to the ground, or burned to the harbor, years ago.  That place had authenticity (and an interesting story) The new Jacks looks to establish that fresh fish/waterfront element to the Humboldt Bay restaurant scene. They even have outdoor seating, which makes some sense in the new warmer climate Eureka seems to have obtained.

You should try Jacks when next in Eureka.  More at the Jacks website. Just about 3 hours from Really Redding.Eureka Jacks1

Carter House lodgings in Eureka

Eureka is a few hours drive west from Redding, but it might as well be another country in terms of climate and culture. So it’s always such a welcome break to get away to the Northcoast once in a while. We booked a night at the Carter House Inns the other day, and I’m posting some images. Below, the main building that houses the Hotel Carter and the Restaurant 301.

Carter House Inn<Carter receptionAbove, the main lobby of the hotel, with some appetizers.

Carter buildings

Seen above are other buildings that are part of the property. They were doing some painting that day, hence the dropcloths on the left. I imagine these harborfront Victorians take a lot of maintenance. The building on the right was designed by the same architects who designed the landmark Carson Mansion, which is just a short walk north.

Carter HouseAbove, the common area of the Carter House Inn, which is the elaborate Victorian on the corner. So much redwood millwork! Below, the Bell Cottage, where we stayed for this trip.

Bell Cottage

Carter common area

Above, the common area of the Bell. There is also a full kitchen.

Below, our room and bath. 12 foot high ceilings and handcrafted woodwork details set the tone. Tasteful art and decor, along with modern TV and wi-fi.Carter bedroomCarter bathroom

Breakfast at the Restaurant 301 is included, as below.

Carter 301

Buffet Carter breakfast

Karry at 301

The lovely Karry contemplates breakfast inside the very pleasurable 301.

The story of the Carter House is very interesting. You can book your visit online as we did, and the service was flawless.  It’s pleasing to know that this elegant and artistic getaway is so nearby to Really Redding.

Seen here, the iconic Carson Mansion in Eureka California. The Carter House is a block south.
Seen here, the iconic Carson Mansion in Eureka California. The Carter House is a block south of this.








Day on the Trail with Shasta Living Streets

We stopped in at the Day at the Trail event yesterday in Caldwell Park. It was a great Autumn day to be in the park and out riding the trail. They had beer and wine and wood fired pizza, and other booths.Bike Day1

Bike day3Got to preview a couple of electric bikes at vendor booths. Hadn’t seen these before. I may just have to get one. Going up Sulphur Creek Hill after a day on the Sacramento River Trail is grueling.

Bike day4

Bike day2It was a great day to be on the trail, and I think more people were interested in actually riding than hanging around and talking about riding. Thank you Shasta Living Streets. Sacramento is stunning and has been great to us, my friends have been looking online at https://sacramentohomesre.com/schools/ to find the best schools for their kids in the immediate area.

New animations

Here are a couple of new animations I created for an upcoming home we’ll have listed for sale near the Tierra Oaks Golf couse. Still images of a swimming pool and a koi pond just don’t seem to convey the feeling of seeing it in person. Hoping these animations will help the seller.
The koi pond turned out nice, but the shimmering pool looks a bit hectic.

Bear-Pool7The home is in a beautiful setting. As the saying goes, the photos really don’t do it justice. I’ll keep trying.

Summer Schappell performs on national TV show

Local girl Summer Schappell appeared on a national TV show called “The Voice” this week. She did great, and you can watch it here:

Summer Schappell is the granddaughter of Bill Schappell, with whom I shared an adjacent desk at the real estate brokerage in 2009. Back then she was a very young, up and coming singer who had performed around Redding and recorded in Nashville. She and her band gave a terrific performance for an appreciative audience at the Asphalt Cowboys BBQ that year, and I took these photos and posted them here on Really Redding. Looks like a lot of hard work is paying off for Summer. I happen to know proud grandpa Bill had a hand in that effort.

Summer1 Summer2 Summer3 Summer4 Summer5 Summer6
Years of work to leads to “overnight success,” that’s Really Redding.