Celebrity Soup Kitchen event helps seniors

Alerted yesterday by a Facebook update from Bruce Ross (seen below), we attended the Celebrity Soup Kitchen event to help disadvantaged seniors pay utility bills this winter.
Charity events in Redding CaLots of local celebrities serving locally made delicious soups. Held in Redding’s historic Veterans Hall, the turnout looked strong.
celebrity soup event in redding california
Skip Murphy attends celebrity soup event in Redding CaWith the Straight Ahead Big Band playing behind me, these candid shots were taken from a cell phone camera. Great food, terrific people, coming together for a good cause. That’s Really Redding.

First Annual Vanity Faire for the Shasta Women’s Refuge

Erin attended this recent gathering of people to benefit the Shasta Women’s Refuge. The event was held at Redding’s Riverview Golf Club.

Shasta Women's refuge benefit
Seen here, Erin and some attendees, including Realtor Ashley Wagar at the right.
Shasta Women's Refuge event
Below, Redding’s Mayor Missy McArthur chats with Broker Erin Murphy.
Missy Mcarthur and Erin Murphy
It’s a shame that we live in a world where it’s even necessary to have a women’s refuge. But we do. And the good people of Redding have always proven willing to support the organization, and their goal of providing safe haven when needed. That’s Really Redding.
The sunset view from Riverview.

High Speed Rail would put Redding on the map

High Speed Rail needed

“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.” -Michelangelo

From the USHSR website: “Our vision is for a 21st century, 17,000 mile national high speed rail system built in 4 phases, for completion by 2030. This new national system will revitalize our economy, reactivate our manufacturing sector, create millions of jobs, end our oil dependency, and cut our carbon footprint by epic proportions, something that is always worth going to find more info about. Powered by electricity, this system provides sustainable, affordable, and safe mobility for all.”

A new rail line/system will not only add to the culture of the area but it will also bring in more tourists and others to the area. This is a huge leap forward for the economy as well the environment, to anyone that is involved this can help immensely, as previously mentioned, with jobs, hopefully starting people off on a viable and sustainable career path that helps the population. There are various ways in which promotion can be done for this railway in the US, the railway marketing services in the UK are similar in the way they want to promote a cleaner and more efficient manner of transportation. Using a planning and preparation company can help with the marketing of this railway so that it brings in the customers needed for it to make an impact on the environment and an impact on how people travel in their day-to-day lives.

Jobs, transportation, reduction in oil dependence. Nothing but upside for Redding in this idea. Our community began this latest phase of civilization as a rail town, back in 1872. This is our next logical step. Let’s take it.

State of the City of Shasta Lake looks bright

Shasta Lake CityI had the pleasure of attending the State of the City luncheon for Shasta Lake City today. Mayor Rod Lindsay addressed the attendees, and later offered a presentation about the good things happening in Shasta Lake. Actually, quite a bit of good. SLC has always been a favorite place for me. Down to earth and funky, and not much attempt made to hide that fact. The Boomtown roots still define the place. The city never made a lot from sales tax, so the current slump hasn’t hit quite so hard as elsewhere. This new Sheriff substation is setting an upscale tone. I went over and took a look for myself today after seeing it in the presentation, and I have to say it really looks grand. Built for LEED certification as well.
Sheriff station in Shasta Lake CityShasta Lake City
Good work, Shasta Lake City. Keep it up.

Redding student races her blown alcohol dragster in Fall Classic event @ Redding Dragstrip this weekend

MakinnaClevengerMakinna Clevenger will be racing a 1700 hp, 200+ mph car at the Redding Dragstrip this weekend for the Fall Classic race, which starts today and runs through Sunday.
This is from her website: “At ten years old, Makinna started racing junior dragsters and has enjoyed many successes over the years. Recently she completed the required passes for her NHRA competition license in her family’s blown alcohol dragster. Attending races has been a family affair for the 18-year-old Shasta College student. For her 16th birthday she acquired a Competition license for her 1,700 horse power blown alcohol dragster. Then a year later she made the next move towards her Advanced E.T. license, making her fastest career pass at over 200 mph.”
She’ll be racing in the same class as her dad. Should be an interesting weekend of racing!


Thanks, and a shout out to Redding Dragstrip sponsor Jerry Ross and the 8 locally owned NAPA Auto Parts stores!!!
NApa Auto PartsPhoto by Skip Murphy

Home Show at the Redding Convention Center

There’s a Home Show at Redding’s Convention Center. This weekend. Admission is free. Erin and I used to have a booth at a local Home Show twice a year, so we saw a lot of old friends and vendors we knew.
Redding homes showRedding home showIt’s running again today, so you can head on over. Maybe buy this flaming Wine Barrel for only $995? I hope they sell dozens. Home Shows can be grueling as a vendor, but at least this show has a full bar.
Flaming tables