Got tractor? Fire season approaches…

Trying to help a friend sell this tractor. Looks almost new. 2012 John Deere 3032E Compact Tractor with 305 Loader. 55 hours total. Asking $15,000.
Tractor1 -cl

Tractor2 -cl

Tractor3 -cl
Shoot me an email if interested and I’ll put you in touch with the seller.

Slovakian video artist adapts Redding music

Chill out for a Sunday evening. Vojtech Matlák is a video artist in Reca Slovakia. Recently he created this mashup of video imagery set to Redding musician Craig Padilla’s Spirit Signs. 8 minutes of introspective meditation awaits:

Craig’s instrumental music has always been very visual for me, and evidently for others as well. Interesting that the internet allows this connection between artists half a world apart. Yet not really apart at all. It’s Really Redding.Craig greenjpg

Ono hummer

I captured this image while shooting an upcoming home listing in Ono.
“We’re gonna need a faster shutter speed.”
Ono humingbirdClick to enlarge, but not to speed up.

There’s a mountain lion in town

You may have seen this Mountain Lion image from a friend’s home on Pallisades in Redding. Some have commented that it was photoshopped, but we know it was not. The point being that you need to be careful with your pets and above all – if you have ever seen a big cat react to seeing a child I don’t have to tell you this – especially children. We live at the wildland interface in Redding, and here is clear evidence.
Mountain lion in ReddingThanks go to Kendra Murley for being handy with a camera that day.

Redding Dragstrip first race of 2014 tonight!

For a while, it looked like our dragstrip might not even open this year. A true Redding institution, the longest continuously operating NHRA dragstrip in the known universe was looking for new management. Luckily, Shirlene Bramson of Bramson Drag Strip stepped up to fill the leadership role. In short order, she and a host of volunteers have hustled up the work to get the strip ready for another season. Tonight is the first Street Legal event, and it comes in the nick of time, as we know there has been some illegal and extremely dangerous street racing taking place in the absence of the track.

Tonight, that all changes.
First race


We wanted you to know that, in our attempt to support activities for the youth of Redding and surrounding areas, high school students get into street legal races for FREE!

All you need is a valid student ID. That’s it. Have a valid CA driver’s license, too? You can race a street legal event for FREE!

We hope to see more high school students in the stands tonight!

***Please help us spread the word by sharing this information with students and families with students*** — with Shirlene Bramson.
High School

Always more at But there’s a good deal more activity and chatter about the track at their Facebook page:

Up over 1500 Likes!!

Are you getting ready for our first race of the season?

This is the only day to get your chassis certified at our track. Please be on time.

TEST & TUNE @ 1pm
$30/tech card, $10 spectator entry ($40 for racer&entry)
This is for cars with SLICKS ONLY. Those who pay for T&T will get into the Street Legals FREE.

STREET LEGALS @ 5pm, Racing starts at 6pm
$10 tech card, $5 spectator entry ($15 for racer&entry)
***High school students with a CURRENT student body card get into street legals FREE***

Come out and enjoy our first race of the season. Bring your friends and support your track!

Turtles on the trail

Just a lovely few Spring days here recently. Took some photos around Turtle Bay.
Talon Sundial -smTurtles3Another fine Spring. It’s Really Redding.