Please Trespass


Ran into this unusual sign on a dirt road in Shasta Lake.  Please Trespass.Please TrespassNot sure what to make of it. Being as how it’s marijuana harvest season here in Shasta County, I’m disinclined to venture around that bend to find out.

An enigma, then.  Let me know what’s over there if you go down that road.



Recently and quite inexplicably, my car seems compelled to periodically post this warning.
Speed limitedDuly noted, car. It hasn’t proven to be much of a limitation.

Severe weather predicted for Redding today ~ 72 and breezy

I saw this on the Weather Channel website:
weather in redding cafresh food in redding caMeanwhile we are still getting fresh strawberries here in November. I hope all you east coast folks digging out from under that early snowfall today, with no electricity, can relate to the hardship of severe weather in Redding. Sunny days and winds up to 20 mph. How will we survive? On strawberries maybe. Somebody has to do it. Meanwhile call me if you’re thinking of relocating here. Misery loves company.
fresh strawberries in redding ca

Chuck Norris spotted on River Trail

Chuck Norris in ReddingWalker, Texas Ranger is seen here keeping order at a vending machine just off Redding’s River Trail. Actually, we were surprised to see the vending machine at all. Some enterprising vendor found an excellent location on the way to the Ribbon Bridge on the south side trail. Chuck is seen doing his duty, standing watch over free enterprise, and taking no nonsense from erstwhile hooligans.

His message is as clear and uncluttered as the mid summer sky.

“Buy something! Then leave.”

A call to action.

I wandered over to Chuck’s website, and was startled to hear him personally welcome me to his official website. Turn up the volume and click the link to visit the official Chuck Norris site. He is quite an entrepreneur himself, apparently.

You go, enterprising cold drink vendor. May the spirit of Walker, Texas Ranger guard your dreams with steely American determination.
Chuck Norris in Redding