Take in the Lake Shasta Dinner Cruise

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Few northstate activities are more Really Redding than a day on Lake Shasta. So what could be better than a Dinner Cruise on the largest boat in the lake? The lovely Karry and I recently went out for dinner with some friends old and new, on a perfect Shasta evening, and here are some images I captured.

The Dinner Cruise runs Friday and Saturdays in Summer. It takes place onboard the Cavern Queen, which departs from the Shasta Caverns facility up Interstate 5 to O’Brien on Shasta Lake. Reservations are needed, as seatings are obviously limited. A little planning rewards you with a memorable dinner in an unmatched setting. The cruise runs from 6 to 8 pm. The buffet style meal neatly compliments the scenery. We saw deer and eagles, along with campers and waterskiing families out enjoying the 300+ miles of Shasta shoreline. My friend told me that if I wanted to explore other coastlines, it might be worth looking into CruiseAgency and if they are at the standard of the one we just been on then you must check it out.

Below, click on the image to their website. Thank you Captain Dave and the Lake Shasta Dinner Cruise crew! You’re Really Redding.

Lake Shasta Dinner Cruise




Bike to the movies in 1940 Redding

While surfing at the Library of Congress website, I came across images of the Cascade Theatre in Redding from 1940.

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FSA /8c32000/8c322008c32225a.tif

This available .TIF image is remarkably high resolution for an online photo.

I wondered what it would look like zoomed in. Please do click below to enlarge.

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Bikes and their riders going to the movies in Redding in 1940

Hey, remember when you could ride your bike to the movies, and leave it unlocked out front?

I don’t. But evidently, such a scene existed. Lined up to see “Jungle Book” and “Blondies Blessed Event.” (which you can now watch on YouTube)

Closer in yet, a young woman looks right at you. You are a phantom from the future. Click to enlarge.

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Evidently Redding folk once dressed somewhat more formally to go to the movies.

It looks like a windy day in Redding, that day in 1940.

The winds of change. Hang on to your hat.

Back then, moviegoers paid a “Defense Tax.

10% Defense Tax for General Admission. 16% for you Students.

Zooming in. The work of Redding Signs.

Redding Signs.

Coincidentally, another “Jungle Book” remake is currently playing in a Redding theater. Seen below here in 2016 at the Cinemark Movies 14, across town from the Cascade.
Junglebook at the Cinemark

Movie admission prices have gone up a bit since 1940.

A discount for seniors now, instead of students. But at least your “Defense Tax” is built in.

CookHouse at Bridge Bay

Welcome to CookHouse at Bridge Bay.  Longtime Redding people will recall this restaurant and lounge as Tail O’ the Whale. Click any image to enlarge.

Cookhouse15The main dining area is under great spokes radiating from a center pylon. The large windows to the north allow views of Lake Shasta. The marina is in the foreground, and then past the Pit River Bridge, you can clearly see the Gray Rocks with Shasta Caverns. It’s a visually stunning setting.



Our attentive server Alyssa with delicious Potato Skins. Below, Mahi Mahi Tacos. There’s a full wine list, and beer on tap, including an IPA by Fall River. Mmm.



Above, a Seared Ahi on wilted spinach with salad. This plate wasn’t specifically on the menu, but staff was very accommodating to the special request. The CookHouse menu is online at their website.

There’s also some outdoor patio space for al fresco dining, around the perimeter.


The classic lounge is upstairs. Check out this Bloody Mary, served by Dan!


Outside, the views are captivating. All around you are people coming from, and leaving for adventures on emerald Lake Shasta. And of course, attire is beach casual. But that’s true of most of Redding anyway.


Cookhouse2aCookhouse12Just outside the CookHouse are dozens of chairs for taking in the scenery. Perfect for observing Bridge Bay resort patrons and their watercraft. It’s a very party-like atmosphere, but also just as laid back as you may desire.  Lake life!

Cookhouse 16When people ask why I live in Redding, I often speak of the natural beauty of our surroundings. Lake Shasta plays a large part in the lifestyle and beauty of our region. Bridge Bay and CookHouse offer an unmatched setting for providing food, fun, and access to the lake. And it’s all a very quick and easy 13 mile drive north of Redding proper via Interstate 5.

The lake life, it’s Really Redding.

REX CLUB in Burney

Rex Club 7“Burney’s oldest Bar/Restaurant,” so it is said.

That seems entirely plausible. The weathered exterior hints at the rustic interior decor found inside. Also filled with wood carvings, and dozens of taxidermy wildlife mounts.

We recently stopped in for a late lunch. They were cleaning up for the dinner shift, but service was fast and friendly.
Rex Club 3

Katie serves up a hot pastrami on toasted rye and a french dip Special.

Rex Club 6Rex Club 8

They didn’t have any beer on tap, but no matter.

They do serve the local IPA in a frosty mug. And that totally works.

Rex Club 4 Hexagenia

What time is it?

Rex Club 5

And they have a website.

Click on the image below to get there from here. Includes menus. They also have some lodging available, as cabins.

Rex Club 2

“The Rex Club was built in 1938. Located on Main Street in the heart of Burney, California.  It served as a dinner house, bar and hotel/motel. For many years it was the main source of entertainment for the local people, bringing in many different musicians and dancing.  Our family bought this magnificent old property in 2006, with the hope of bringing it back to its former glory. We enjoy the history of the club and love to hear everyone’s story of “the first time” they came into this place.”

Rex Club 9

Welcome Fishermen!

With legendary fly fishing nearby, the REX CLUB knows its clientele. The authentic Burney experience, on the main boulevard.

Just about an hour drive east of Really Redding.