Bike to the movies in 1940 Redding
While surfing at the Library of Congress website, I came across images of the Cascade Theatre in Redding from 1940.

This available .TIF image is remarkably high resolution for an online photo.
I wondered what it would look like zoomed in. Please do click below to enlarge.

Hey, remember when you could ride your bike to the movies, and leave it unlocked out front?
I don’t. But evidently, such a scene existed. Lined up to see “Jungle Book” and “Blondies Blessed Event.” (which you can now watch on YouTube)
Closer in yet, a young woman looks right at you. You are a phantom from the future. Click to enlarge.

It looks like a windy day in Redding, that day in 1940.
The winds of change. Hang on to your hat.
Back then, moviegoers paid a “Defense Tax.”

Zooming in. The work of Redding Signs.

Coincidentally, another “Jungle Book” remake is currently playing in a Redding theater. Seen below here in 2016 at the Cinemark Movies 14, across town from the Cascade.
Movie admission prices have gone up a bit since 1940.
A discount for seniors now, instead of students. But at least your “Defense Tax” is built in.