
Bike to the movies in 1940 Redding

While surfing at the Library of Congress website, I came across images of the Cascade Theatre in Redding from 1940.

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FSA /8c32000/8c322008c32225a.tif

This available .TIF image is remarkably high resolution for an online photo.

I wondered what it would look like zoomed in. Please do click below to enlarge.

FSA /8c32000/8c322008c32225a.tif
Bikes and their riders going to the movies in Redding in 1940

Hey, remember when you could ride your bike to the movies, and leave it unlocked out front?

I don’t. But evidently, such a scene existed. Lined up to see “Jungle Book” and “Blondies Blessed Event.” (which you can now watch on YouTube)

Closer in yet, a young woman looks right at you. You are a phantom from the future. Click to enlarge.

FSA /8c32000/8c322008c32225a.tif
Evidently Redding folk once dressed somewhat more formally to go to the movies.

It looks like a windy day in Redding, that day in 1940.

The winds of change. Hang on to your hat.

Back then, moviegoers paid a “Defense Tax.

10% Defense Tax for General Admission. 16% for you Students.

Zooming in. The work of Redding Signs.

Redding Signs.

Coincidentally, another “Jungle Book” remake is currently playing in a Redding theater. Seen below here in 2016 at the Cinemark Movies 14, across town from the Cascade.
Junglebook at the Cinemark

Movie admission prices have gone up a bit since 1940.

A discount for seniors now, instead of students. But at least your “Defense Tax” is built in.

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