Redding projected as #1 for real estate appreciation by Core Logic

Rare (read: Never) is it that I re-post anything here from our local paper, which is often very negative about my favorite city. If it bleeds, it leads. But this article really caught my attention. People are starting to notice that Redding is actually a pretty nice place to live:

California’s first 3D Printed Homes are in Redding

Here’s a great project to build 4 homes in Redding with this intriguing new construction method. Is this the wave of the future?

Wide view 3D homes being builtAerial view of 3D printed homes
Aerial overhead view of 3D printed home

So, evidently I live in a science fiction novel. They print houses in my town. And I took a photo of the work getting underway using a supercomputer/digital camera/phone I carry around in my pocket. Then, I sent my satellite navigating camera airborne for aerial shots. It’s easy to get bogged down with all that seems to be going wrong in this world. But given my perspective from across nearly seven decades of progress on this planet, so many things have improved greatly. Astonishing, really. #thisisredding

3D printed homes come to Redding

So, evidently I live in a science fiction novel. They print houses in my town. And I took a photo of the work getting underway using a supercomputer/digital camera I carry around in my pocket. It’s easy to get bogged down with all that seems to be going wrong in this world. But given my perspective from across nearly seven decades of progress on this planet, so many things have improved greatly. Astonishing, really. #thisisredding

Printing homes in Redding

Own Redding’s finest Bed and Breakfast!

Your rare chance to own one of Redding’s most desirable and highest rated Bed and Breakfasts!

Apple’s River House Located on the Sacramento River Trail is a turn-key furnished, equipped, and ready to ramp up opportunity that has been in business since 1998. The original builder/owner ran it part time for years of revenue and development. Purpose-built structure is 4 bedrooms and 4.5 bathrooms in stucco and with a 50 year architectural metal roof. Each room has a balcony and private bath, and 2 rooms view the Sacramento River. Dual Heating and Air Conditioning Units (1st/2nd Floors). 3 Electric Free Standing Fireplaces. Directly adjacent to the river trail entrance, the setting is incomparable. Gorgeous mature landscaping in the very private backyard includes mindful seating arrangements around exquisite water features under tall trees.

Years of high ratings have built enormous goodwill. Sale includes booking website, on/off/sale wine license and opportunities to grow the business even more. Seller feels it’s time for their next chapter in life. Will this be your next chapter?

P}rice reduced to just $649,500!

Offered by:

The Address Realty
Erin and Skip Murphy
“A Daughter and Pop Shop”
Cal BRE #01710206
Call or Text (530) 356 4500


A Christmas Party for kids put on by the local REALTORS

Here’s a video I did of this year’s Christmas Party for special needs kids put on by the Shasta Association of Realtors along with the support of the community and local businesses. We hold it at the Elks Club in Redding. 2011 marks the 39th annual party. As usual, a great time was had by all. Watching the video is a nice way to get some holiday cheer today. Our great thanks go out everyone involved. Merry Christmas!

Shasta REALTORS Christmas party for kids 2011 from Skip Murphy on Vimeo.

One thousand gallons of gas

Something of a jarring milestone on my dashboard this morning as I refueled. In the real estate biz, it seems nobody ever wants to ride their bikes over to look at a house.
real estate in redding ca
A clandestine image of a regular supplier of mine. On the street, they call it “gas” or “fuel.” This dealer operates right out in the open. Right on the corner. Even the cops just look the other way, as users line up to make a buy. With this addiction, not even the first one is free.
real estate in redding ca
Not exactly carbon neutral. Real estate sales is a service business. Call me up, and we’ll sip on the next thousand gallons….
Call me up for Real Estate

New Urbanism in Redding California

Redding sprawls out in suburban, automobile centricity. Over the last few years, we had a couple of developments aimed at a more human centric design, most often referred to as New Urbanism. All of the examples have met with mixed success. Perhaps the lack of eager adoption has more to do with the recently depressed housing market conditions than the appeal. But change is hard anyway, and in this housing market, it’s brutal. So what building we do see going on in 2011 tends to be very similar to what we have seen for the last few decades. Suburban, auto based housing. The market speaks, and those that don’t listen do so at their peril.

I took this video below of the block and a half of the completed Parkview neighborhood yesterday. And seeing it I was pleasantly imagining our town laid out for walking, with small community parks, and tree lined streets of front porches. $4 gas surely takes a huge bite out of our local economy, but it wouldn’t matter all that much if you could walk to a marketplace or work. I wonder if we haven’t built ourselves into a suburban box, from which escape will be difficult.

Driving around to shoot video of a walkable neighborhood. That’s Really Redding.

Looking down on Redding…

… from the sky. Erin took this photo of Redding looking south from a recent flight over our fair city. You can see the Sundial Bridge looking somewhat translucent. Click on the image to enlarge it. And we have a very high resolution version if you want it. We often see aerial views of Redding looking West, like the more common image from the Stillwater Business Park site seen below. From the North, we look very much like the River City we are, along with a commercial district to the East.

And speaking of commercial property, click on the Stillwater image to see a flyover of our nascent civic business park, replete with cheesy voiceover. Be sure to call us if you know any good candidate businesses we might invite here. We can get them hooked up for a killer deal. The seller is in no position to argue with any offer, shall we say. Call (530) 244 7603
Stillwater Business Park in Redding CA

Click on the image for a flyover

Paranormal activity in Redding? Who you gonna call…?

I received a call from Lynette Gooch of River Cities Paranormal Society, NorCal Chapter. It seems she had run across an entry in another blog post I wrote about a Redding house for sale with some paranormal qualities. I assured her my post was meant to be entirely tongue in cheek, as it happens. But her intentions were completely serious. She explained that she was part of a team of local folks who are in turn affiliated with a larger group, who investigate claims of the paranormal. She introduced me to their website, and you can click on it below. Their team operates without charge, and has a set of expertise and instruments to investigate… uh, ghosts and such. You can click on the various pages at their site, and learn a lot more about them and their intriguing field of inquiry. Who you gonna call? (530) 255 GHST (4478), in fact.

Looking over their site, I didn’t see any Plasma Rays (Don’t cross the streams!) for actually dealing with any paranormal activity they might detect, but perhaps they keep their Proton Packs at the ready, just in case they run across Gozer, or Zuul even. Lynnette sounded very serious about all. And I’m just poking fun with my Ghostbuster references, but how cool would it be to find something truly inexplicable? Sometimes in the real estate trade, you do see and hear about the weirdest things in people’s houses. So click on the site below to see what to do about it. Thanks Lynette!