Live recording -Craig Padilla’s “Sundial Bridge”

Here’s a live recording of Sundial Bridge by Craig Padilla. It was recorded on the patio of the cafe of the south end of the bridge. It’s about 20 minutes of symphonic electronic music. It starts off quietly, until it begins to soar. I accompanied Craig, and ran audio. There is no mic on the audience, but you do hear our voices briefly at the very end.
Sundial bridge2 by SkipMurphy The Sundial Bridge has arguably become the symbol of Redding CA. The architect for the bridge is a world famous artist named Santiago Calatrava, although I don’t see this particular work listed on his website. I haven’t looked through the whole site.
The folks at the host Turtle Bay Museum seemed happy to have us play there. The venue was really hot (thermal hot, not swinging hot) and it’s not acoustically great for either listeners or players. And for an art museum, the staff seemed really unimpressed that world famous musician Craig Padilla had composed a complete symphonic music composition named after the bridge, just for the occasion. Like, “Yeah, that’s nice.”
Anyway, I came across the recording in the studio, and thought I’d share it with the world again. At least, that part of the world that wasn’t at the event. Like any live recording, it has some issues, but I think the spirit of the muse comes across intact. See what you think.

Turtle Bay to Hilltop River Trail sunset images

river trail at hwy44river trail at hwy 44sacramento river trail at hwy 44 in reddingsacramento river trail at hwy 44 in reddingsacramento river trail at hwy 44 in reddingsacramento river trail at hwy 44 in reddingHere are a few images taken as we enjoyed a recent stroll on the newest segment of the River Trail across the Sacramento River on the new Highway 44 pedestrian (and auto) bridge. Then it’s back across the Sundial Bridge as it switches to Moondial Mode. Nice.
It seems like we now have a paved river trail that stretches from Shasta Dam to the Mt Shasta Mall and beyond. It’s your all day pass to the Northstate’s Magic Kingdom, and admission is priceless.
Free scenery, it’s ReallyRedding.

New music piece inspired by a photo

Baby in  a carseat in redding by skip murphy
Swaddled by SkipMurphy Somebody plopped this little human in front of me while I was at work in the office. I don’t know who it is. Not thinking much about it, I took a picture with my iPhone. Later, seeing the image inspired me to try and capture the musical feelings I got from looking at the image. Like some art, I’m not sure I got what I wanted. So this remains a musical sketch. But art can be surprising. Perhaps like this baby:

It will grow on me over time.
It may not be finished. Whatever finished means.

A few Images of Art on the Wild Side

Art on the Wild Side in Redding CAArt on the Wild Side in Redding CA>Wine, cheese and fruit were served to the patrons of the Art on the Wild Side sale and auction held at Win River last Saturday to benefit the Shasta Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation center.
We saw some really inspirational art and crafts, sampled some excellent vintages, and enjoyed the always terrific hospitality of Win River. Some lovely art pieces went for bargain prices too, although we hope the center raised an appropriate amount for their good cause. Ray John did the auctioning.
Art on the Wild Side in Redding CA owlThere were several critters on hand to add to the scene. Their was also live music provided by Craig Padilla, to the accompaniment of slides of the various animals and projects that have been helped.
Art on the Wild Side in Redding CA

(Bottom image) This service was another of the auctioned items. Somebody got a good deal on these and many more. There was also a silent auction. A terrific time was had by all. Hopefully it will help this fine cause. See you all again next year!

A Collective sigh of relief

No doubt they sparked some celebratory fattys last week at Redding’s many marijuana “collectives.” And at hydroponic shops. And perhaps among beverage distributors, who learned their special interest campaign money was well spent.

Druglords in Mexico laugh it up, too. All of the above groups formed a cynical alliance. The statewide failure of Prop 19 to end prohibition enables the underground and untaxed economy. The black market profiteers and the “herbal medical” community will continue to prosper, at least for a few more years.

Gettin’ all preachy on a Sunday. It’s Really Redding.

Street Legal dragracing tonight at the Redding Dragstrip!

Inexpensive fun where racers get their street race on in a safe-to-speed, pedal-to-the-metal blowout! Click here for the Redding Dragstrip.

The last regularly scheduled Street Legal race of the year tonight at 6 pm out at the Redding Dragstrip. Trophies awarded to winners and runner-ups for: Best of General Motors, Best of Ford Motors, Best of Mopars, Best of Nostalgia Cars, Best of Trucks, Best of Motorcycles, Best of the Imports. ALL-OUT RACING VEHICLES PERMITTED! Be there for the biggest Street Legal Event of the year!

Redding Dragstrip. The longest continuously operating NHRA sanctioned racing facility in the known universe!

Art on the Wild Side features musician Craig Padilla

Come to a Wild Art Event – view and buy art work by many artists and a wide variety (pottery, oil paintings, photography, wood working etc.) and there will be wine tasting. Admission is $10 and includes an etched wine glass. Silent auction and live auction.” Saturday November 6, Noon to 6 pm at the WinRiver Event Center.

My friend and longtime musical collaborator Craig Padilla will be appearing there in a rare solo performance. He has some new material you haven’t heard (but I have) and it promises to be a terrific afternoon of music not often heard around here lately. I’ll be there. Then it’s on to ShopHop for a full evening of local shopping. It’s Really Redding.