We wish only the best for our east coast readers. Please stay safe in the face of Frankenstorm today.
Just a helpful reminder though, if you’re starting to think you’ve had enough. Redding doesn’t get horrific nor-Easters, or whatever you call these massive super storms that shut you down. We are enjoying 70’s, and blue skies today. if you are thinking relocating to someplace more sane, or at least somewhat less life threatening, please contact us. We know a lot about real estate in Redding. This is a great place to live. Especially if you have a business to run.
Give it some thought. Meanwhile click on this 24 hr timelapse from today in Maryland. Watch the water level on the dock.
Edit: Well, apparently this video clip updates every 24 hrs. Still interesting to watch. The original post saw a gazebo at the end of the dock gradually flooding. Today we see it has vanished entirely. Our hearts go out to all the victims of this terrible storm.
Redding musician/composer Eric Amantite
I happened upon some tracks by Eric at Soundcloud. Eric is a really prolific Redding composer. Soundcloud has a whole bunch of Eric Amantite’s electronic hip hop and pop flavored tracks for you to enjoy. If you start at the top track, you can just play through them for quite a while, and get your groove well on. Eric can be found on Facebook, so you may want “friend” him so as to keep up with his latest sonic creations. Posted for a taste below is “Peach,” a recent contribution for your listening pleasure.
Another another northstate musician/composer and chillzone citizen cranking out the tunes. That’s Really Redding.
A musical tribute to the Sundial Bridge
Yesterday’s RS editorial mentioned at piece of music composed and to be performed for Redding’s 125th anniversary. Should be nice to see and hear. I was reminded that local composer and recording artist Craig Padilla once wrote and performed a compelling piece to honor the Sundial Bridge in Redding. Reposted below, from a post first published in 2010:
Here’s a live recording of Sundial Bridge by Craig Padilla. It was recorded on the patio of the cafe of the south end of the bridge. It’s about 20 minutes of symphonic electronic music. It starts off quietly, until it begins to soar. I accompanied Craig, and ran audio. There is no mic on the audience, but you do hear our voices briefly at the very end.
Sundial bridge2 by SkipMurphy The Sundial Bridge has arguably become the chief symbol of Redding California. The designer of the bridge is a world famous architect named Santiago Calatrava.
The folks at the host Turtle Bay Museum seemed happy to have us play. Playing live there was a tall challenge. The venue was really hot (thermal hot, not swinging hot). The setting at the cafe was not acoustically great for either listeners or players. And for an art museum, the staff seemed thoroughly unimpressed that a world famous musician and recording artist had composed a complete symphonic music composition named after the bridge, just for the occasion. Like, “Yeah, that’s nice.”
Anyway, I came across the recording in the studio, and thought I’d share it with the world again. At least, that part of the world that wasn’t at the event. Like any live recording, it has some issues and flaws, but I think the spirit of the muse comes across intact. See what you think.
We attend a 60th wedding anniversary in Redding
Larry and Sandy Mays were kind enough to invite us to their 60th wedding celebration at the Holiday Inn in Redding. They have a large family, and many friends, so it was a big party. Wow, 60 years!
I first met them through the Shasta Association of Realtors. Both have been practicing real estate around here for a very long time.
Sandy is a past president, and is very active with board governance and committees. She taught the Orientation and Ethics class that all new local Realtors must attend when I first began in the business. She set a high standard, and it made a big impression on me.
Larry often gives the invocation at real estate related events. He always manages to hit that elusive sweet spot, just between self depricating humor, and profound spirituality and faith.
Last May, Sandy officiated my daughter Erin’s marriage to Aaron Rader at Shasta Dam. She did a terrific job!
60 years married, and 0 years married. Some kind of circle of life is connected here.
When asked his advice for a long and tranquil marriage, Larry offers up 2 words to remember, “Yes dear.”
Good advice.
I repair a smashed iPad!
So I dropped Erin’s iPad in the driveway. Like some slow motion segment of a horror film. Nooooo….
Despite good advice to the contrary, I set about replacing the shattered glass on the fondle-slab (as they are called in the U.K.).Of course, it’s glued together. Not exactly service friendly. Armed with just enough knowledge to be dangerous via Youtube, I press on.
Steve Jobs is spinning in his grave at this point. Sorry, Steve.
Tiny shards of glass aim for my eyes, like razorblade glitter.
Flat batteries. Pretty amazing technology.
It abruptly occurs to me that I probably should have turned it off first. Yeah, too late now.
The glass digitizer is just a little broken.
Sometimes, you just get lucky. DIY gizmo repair. That’s Really Redding.
Think Pink naturally. Fall’s sunset light on Mt Shasta
Windswept Fall skies offer crystal clarity. The Three Shastas display their majesty with Golden Hour hues.
I don’t recall ever seeing the mountain so barren. Winter storms will likely soon envelop its flanks with a Winter cloak of snow and ice. For now, it’s a pink rock monument to the Fall.
We’ll surely see certain lovely Redding bridge painted in pink light this evening. A fine event. And seen here, a more northern pink glow illuminates a mountain of solitude to punctuate the day. Renewed with each spin of our planet, for those who look. That’s Really Redding Pink.
Lovely sunset from View 202
View 202 delivers.
Located on a bluff overlooking the Sacramento River to the west, it’s on Hemstead near Cypress.
Certainly one of Redding’s signature restaurants. They may not deliver their terrific food (not sure about that) but they surely deliver the views.
530-226-VIEW (8439) Mon-Thursday 11a-10p Friday and Saturday 11a-midnight Sunday Brunch starts at 10a-10p
Salmon pink skies as garnish, from yesterday evening. No visit to Redding is complete without a meal or a drink on their patio. View 202.
View 202 | Web Video from Chris Vanderschaaf on Vimeo.
ESPN records an epic Street Legal event at Redding Dragstrip
The weather was perfect. The strip had a great turnout. Some seriously fast cars showed up. And all manner of road warriors tested their reactions and machinery, true to the spirit of Street Legal Racing. Here are a few images from last Saturday.It was also Big Bike weekend, so there were plenty of cyclists in attendance. It was a really successful event for our local, non-profit Redding Dragstip. I’m not sure when ESPN will run their footage on TV, but I will keep you informed. I volunteer to run their website, so I took a lot of photos I’ll be using throughout the year. Good work RDS. We are a car town, and this institution is Really Redding.
Vanity Faire fundraiser for Shasta County Women’s Refuge
Erin attended the Vanity Faire fundraiser for 2012 on behalf of our real estate brokerage The Address Realty. Riverview Country Club is of course, an unmatched setting.
Erin won a “Trophy” bottle of wine in a Kimono for her creative hat. I think it was a Parisian designer hat by Le Chapeau par Homemade. What did the world do before hotglue? A great time was had by all, and hopefully it was big fundraiser event for the services offered by the Shasta County Women’s Refuge. See you next year!
Original and compelling music by Redding artist Cari Live
Redding artist Cari Live composes lovely and soothing music. Take a few moments to listen to more at Cari Live at Magnatune. It will brighten your day.
Space Flute by Cari Live
I don’t think we’ve met, but I have heard her work through Facebook. You might want to Like Cari Live on Facebook. According to the page, it is her birthday today too. Happy Birthday, Cari. Thanks for sharing your distinctive and energizing gift with us. Majestic audio structures inspired by the wonders of the universe, that’s Really Redding.
If you’re wanting to start composing and producing music of your own, be it any type at all, you can look here and get started now by getting some of the essential technology.