An architect’s view of the Redding School of the Arts

Last week at the Shasta Association of Realtors, we had a talk by James Theimer of Trilogy Architecture about the design that went into the recently completed new campus of the Redding School of the Arts.
Redding School of the arts
Trilogy architecture designI only had a scant amount of knowledge about the campus and the design. I knew in building it, they had kept Green practices at forefront. It certainly is a fabulous looking facility as you drive by the campus at Inspiration Way where it meets the Shasta View roundabout across from Lema Ranch.
redding schoolRedding school of the arts diagram
But listening to James talk I was literally blown away by how deep was the forethought that went into the design, and the visionary parameters that were applied to the overall facility. The school, the buildings, the site itself is designed to teach. It integrates seamlessly into the outdoors, and takes full advantage of the local climate and light. James was kind enough to supply the presentation he showed, and you can view it here:

An Outdoor School

I’ve also attached a partial recording about 20 minutes in length of his talk as a webcast/podcast, located at the bottom of this post. If you are interested in the Redding School of the Arts, this talk is well worth your time. If you are following along with the presentation, it starts somewhere around page 10.

We are fortunate to have such a fantastic school facility here in Redding. Another example of our commitment to education, and the value we place on the next generation of Reddingites. Thanks James Theimer for your visionary work, and thanks to you McConnell Foundation for leading the way.

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Gateway Schools staff and students give for the holidays

Here’s a few images of the food and gifts gathered by students and teachers at Shasta Lake School. Needy families are identified, food collected and assembled, and gifts for their kids are fulfilled from a giving tree.
Shasta Lake SchoolFood drive at Shasta LAke SchoolFood is assembled at Shasta Lake School
Gifts at shasta lake schoolSometimes it seems the greater community image of our schools is colored by stories in the newspaper about teacher salaries and negotiations, and such. Since most of the local community doesn’t attend school, they may not be aware of all the different good things that go on behind the scenes in our small town, with our small town values.

Thanks, students and staff of Gateway, for the lesson that giving is better than receiving, this season.

Cooking class with Cal DeMercurio -a few photos

Chef Cal DeMercurio of The Old School Restaurant on Pine Street is a local celebrity. On Saturday, he held a cooking class at his restaurant in Redding in preparation for Thanksgiving cooks looking to add a few recipes and skills.
Old School restaurant in Redding
cooking class in redding caAnd what an appropriate setting; the Old School Restaurant is located in what used to be the gym for Redding’s Pine Street School. We were able to see the preparation, and taste the results. This sourdough/cheese/balsamic appetizer was sublime. And Cal’s salmon spread, oooh.
Appetizers in redding caCal Whipped up a winter squash soup, and showed us how to make a ravioli for the centerpiece.
soup in redding ca
Wine pairings allowed for thoughtful contemplation of an array of flavor notes.
Wine pairings in Redding Ca
Cal brings the hammer down on a butterflied turkey, and then wraps it around his stuffing mix.
Cal DeMercurio on Redding ca
And we eat the results. Yum.
Turkey dinner in Redding CA
Then it’s time for desert. An eggnog Crème brûlée, a Crème de menthe slice with what seems like Oreo crust. My favorite dish.
desert in Redding CA
community education in redding caWe had a great time and met some terrific people in the casual and convivial setting. Cal is a gifted teacher, and we were hungry pupils. Cooking classes like this one are a fantastic opportunity to expand your culinary knowledge. Moreover, thanks to websites like CocuSocial finding cookery classes in your area has never been easier. No matter what you would like to learn about, there is sure to be a cookery class that covers what you need to know. Anyway, I’ve posted about Cal’s cooking skills at this blog before. We heard about this event from Cal and his e-mail newsletter. You should be on his list. Highly recommended. The Old School Restaurant serves up the Culinary Arts. It’s Really Redding.

Redding area schools get locavore, fresh, healthy food

This excellent recent article in the Record Searchlight reviews the successful efforts of area schools to incorporate locally grown, fresh foods into the school menu. With so many local kids getting a significant portion of their diet from school, I found this to be a really uplifting and encouraging read. Click on the image to enjoy the full article. Our sincere thanks go out to the individuals and organizations committed to this really inspiring approach to feeding our kids! And of course, thanks to RS reporter Claudia Mosby for bringing it to our attention.

Click here to read the full story

38th Annual Special Needs Kids Christmas Party

The 38th Annual Special Needs Kids Christmas Party was held at the Elks Lodge again this year. Organized by the Shasta Association of REALTORS Social Committee. The event was a great success, as always. Here’s a short video offering a taste of what was missed if you weren’t there for this heartwarming event. Thanks to all the participants and the vendors who helped!

Special Needs Kids Christmas Party 2010 Redding CA from Skip Murphy on Vimeo.

Institute of Technology moves to Hilltop Drive

Redding’s Institute of Technology has moved from Redcliff to Hilltop. It should be good to have the student population near the restaurants and shops in the Hilltop retail corridor. The Institute offers these programs:
* Accounting*
* Criminology & Emergency Response Management*
* Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning
* Human Resource Administrator*
* Medical Billing/Coding Specialist
* Medical Office Administration
* Pharmacy Technician
* Professional Medical Assistant
* Vocational Nursing
Below, their former building, which was smaller, but also quite nice.
Education, it’s Really Redding.

Cottonwood kids find a cave on Mars

Check it out! A group of kids from Evergreen School found a skylight to a Martian lava tube. A familiar geological feature to Northern California cavers, here in volcano country. Real science, but then we have high expectations of our kids around here. Click the image for more. Congratulations Evergreen!CaveonMars

Shasta Lake School


“Act as though it were impossible to fail. A positive attitude helps bridge the gap between ability and aspiration.” Shasta Lake School principal Helen Herd quotes Emerson at the Shasta Lake School website.
Longtime residents may remember this school as Deer Creek. Now a modern K-8, having benefited much from school bond funds, this lovely building displays our community’s commitment to our young. The Gateway District has a terrific program.

School’s out for a couple months, giving staff a needed break. Are there more under-appreciated workers than those teachers who keep the lid on hormonal middle school kids during a Shasta County Spring? Not a job for the weak of spirit. Have a great Summer, all. Classes start again soon enough (August!).