Just a few images from yesterday’s Luau Mixer at always gorgeous Riverview. Thanks to everyone for a great evening.
Somebody drove a Tesla. First one I’ve seen in the wild. Sign of the times.
Redding’s recent rainbow rendered River Trail race -Gnarly Neon Run
Today! Another epic Redding Pancake Breakfast for 10,000+
Dunsmuir’s Botanical Gardens – a few images
Just over 50 miles north of Redding lies the fascinating town of Dunsmuir. A richly visual place, with its mix of rail town industriality and Cascade Valley natural grandeur. Here are a few recent images I took of the town’s Botanical Garden. A magical place. Click on the images to enlarge.
From their Dunsmuir Chamber of Commerce website:
“Dogwood Daze is almost here again!! Come to Dunsmuir (May 25th) and enjoy a city wide yard sale, garden tours, a soap box derby for the kids, food and lots of fun!! In addition we will have a doggies parade, flower show, art studios open and lot’s of music. And you can’t miss our ever popular Pie Social…best in the west!!! See you there.”
Mac Daddy’s replaces Nick’s Grill in Bella Vista
We always liked Nick’s Grill in Bella Vista for their Hot Pastrami.
Now, it’s called Mac Daddy’s.
Where else can you get free wi-fi in Bella Vista?
That said, they have no public restroom. So you won’t be surfing long.
Space Oddity music video from orbit
Love this version of the Bowie classic as performed by Canadian Commander Chris Hadfield as he prepares to make the return journey from the International Space Station back to Earth. Commander Chris has recorded a few songs from their low orbit, but this adaptation seems especially fitting. Planet Earth is blue and there’s nothing I can do.
Twitter: twitter.com/Cmdr_Hadfield
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AstronautChrisHadfield?fref=ts
Google+: plus.google.com/113978637743265603454/posts/p/pub
New paywall policy at redding.com?
That seems to be the gist of what I’m reading in a letter from Publisher Shanna Cannon. Unless I understand the term “paywall” wrong. The memo doesn’t use the term. But if I read this correctly, after May 14 only subscribers will get access to full content at redding.com. And perhaps more significant, at least to me, only subscribers will have the privilege of commenting online. With any luck, this will moderate the often irrational content somewhat. One can hope.
Click on the image (twice) expand to a more readable size:
I generally regard this as good news. We’ll see. It makes sense that a newspaper needs a consistent source of income to continue to provide the in-depth reporting our community deserves. So I wish them well with this new model.
Practice for Dancing With the Stars Shasta County Style 2013 – brief video
Aaron Rader of Rader Excavating is a big guy for a dance partner. Watch him learn the dance moves from Monica Fisher that he’ll need to win the competition at this year’s Dancing With the Stars Shasta County Style benefit for the Shasta Women’s Refuge.
Aaron is my son in law. Last year his wife, my daughter and Broker at The Address Realty, Erin Rader, narrowly missed winning the big dance competition prize. Aaron volunteered this year to bring home the win for the family. Obviously our community is the big winner. Help Aaron raise the money and win with your encouragement. He and Monica are working hard. Now it’s your turn!