A sneak preview of A Cascade Christmas 2012

The always generous Redding Rancheria invited us to join their preview party of the annual production of A Cascade Christmas for 2012 at the Cascade Theatre. We started with a party at the Atrium, and then moved over to the big show. And what a great show it was. Here’s a teaser video I put together quicky. You should really make a point of going this year. I know you’ll enjoy it. Thanks to all the event performers, production staff, and sponsors. And thank you Redding Rancheria.

Performances this weekend and next. Check the Cascade calendar of events for showtimes. Don’t miss it! It’s Really Redding.

200 miles of Off Road trails on 52,000 acres to ride.

Until I saw this map, I didn’t realize just how large and extensive a trail system awaits off road riders and mountain bikers in the mountains just northwest of Redding:

Chappie off road and mountain bike park northwest Redding
Click to view the full map

Area Description:

Just 10 miles northwest of Redding, the Chappie-Shasta Off-Highway Vehicle area offers over 200 miles of roads and trails on approximately 52,000 acres for off-road enthusiasts. Elevation within this area ranges from 600 to 5000 feet with a wide variety of topography, soil, and vegetation types. The southeastern portions offer rocky and challenging terrain, while the more remote northwestern portions offer scenic views of Mt. Shasta, Lake Shasta, and the Trinity Alps. Camping is available adjacent to the staging area below Shasta Dam for a minimal fee. The OHV Area contains many private land parcels and several roads and trails cross these parcels. Please stay on existing trails.

Directions: This includes descriptions of the Chappie-Shasta OHV staging area, Shasta Campground, the Copley Mountain OHV staging area, and the Big Gulch Area.

Looks like you could spend a lot of quality time just checking out all the trails here. Outdoor quality time, that’s Really Redding.

Wine tasting at Cedar Crest in Manton

Shop Local Saturday sent us into the local hills looking for gifts. We found this great vineyard and winery in Manton, Cedar Crest.
Cedar crest winery in Manton California
Kim offered us tastes of their fine local wines. Everything we tasted was excellent, but Al’s Field Blend, a big red, really stood out.

There were other gourmet samples, and other local gifts to choose from, like this Lucero Olive oil. Love the Lemon. And the Garlic.
Lucero Olive Oil tastings in Manton California
Despite well publicized recent forest fires nearby, Manton is still alive and kicking. There is a Tehama winery trail for you to follow. The fall colors were really spectacular last weekend.
Cedar Crest grounds in Manton California
Images from the Cedar Crest grounds. A lovely setting in the Fall. Below, Al’s field vines, enjoying the cool nights and volcanic soil.
Vineyards in Manton CaliforniaJust head up the hill to Shingletown, and turn south on Wilson Hill road. Like any small local business, they could always use a few more friends, so link here to the Cedar Crest Facebook page and give it a Like. Wine country, Manton style.

Last call for B ‘n E’s.

I was surprised to learn the longtime eastside bar Bert & Ernie’s concluded its 20 year run last Saturday.

Bert & ErniesIt always seemed to me to be “in Redding, but not of Redding.” Like a tourist bar. Reviews at Yelp are mixed, but Yelp is always questionable anyway. And some videos on YouTube were pretty damn embarrassing for a bar with a Sesame Street name. No, not linking here.
Still, it had a good run. Bars come and go in Redding, and B’n E’s proved not immune to changing tastes. Our town can be a harsh environment for any small business. The owner says he’ll move into another venue, and we wish him and his staff the best.

Real estate in the other Redding

Ran across this list of recent home sales in Redding. Redding Connecticut. Some fairly high priced homes there, it would appear. Perhaps our ‘sister city’ on the east coast wasn’t once named Poverty Flat. It was an interesting read. They even name the buyers and sellers out there. I do have to say though, the previous comment about some of the housing to be priced on the high side is only in certain areas of CT, it was decided to conduct some research into other locations around Connecticut such as these William Pitt homes for sale within Columbia, that are relatively cheap compared to other areas of CT.
Weston Daily VoiceClicking over to the home page of The Daily Voice, I see that Connecticut is still digging out from Hurricane Sandy. Sister cities, different weather. I read they are concerned over an approaching Thanksgiving Nor’ Easter. Yikes.

Scrolled down under the online articles looking for all the rude comments surely waiting, but didn’t see any. That’s different too. A tale of two cities. Really Redding, Connecticut.

Buy your holiday gifts now at the KIXE auction

Where can you get screaming deals on local items and gifts from the comfort of your livingroom? At the auction held on KIXE TV, starting at 7 pm every evening and running through the 19th. You can score some real bargains, and also help keep our local educational TV station alive and kicking. Plus, it’s just fun to watch. Local presenters ham it up, and you can learn a thing or two about local services and products too. Highly recommended!
KIXE Holiday Auction

Season’s first frost (almost) gets Redding gardeners picking

Got Karry Picking, anyway. We heard it might be a hard frost last night, but it wasn’t quite. Not taking any chances, Karry went out and picked what remained of the tomatoes and peppers.

Not quite ice in Redding
Not quite ice in Redding
A few of the remaining red ones
A few of the remaining red ones. A reasonably good season for us.
Hopeful tomatoes
Maybe these will turn red in the pantry.
Spicy peppers. Bought the starters at the Farmers Market in Redding.Fresh tomatoes in November. That’s Really Redding.

Madness, Apocalypse, and redding.com bloggery

Noticed an interesting juxtaposition at the blog section of redding.com this morning. First, Doug Craig posting about the recent wake-up call represented by Hurricane Sandy. Followed by David Benda wondering which corporate chain would be open first for Black Friday, our cultural celebration of consumer excess.
blogs at redding.comMidnight Madness indeed. It seems every year somebody is injured or even killed trying to buy some cheap Chinese shit, on the day after Thanksgiving, no less. Thanks for that. Meanwhile, our entire consumer based economy may be dooming the planet to an uncontrolled science experiment with possible lethal results for ours and other species.

Black Friday indeed.

Climate change isn’t on the agenda this political season. Understandable. No pleasant alternatives to the consumer economy come to mind in our current culture. I suppose we are all just going to discover together the results of our present science experiment on this planetary atmosphere. Anyway, thanks redding.com, for the jangling disconnect. I think.