A Park Marina Vision

Park Marina from across the River in Redding
Park Marina from across the River in Redding

Once there was a plan for Redding’s most visible riverfront. Some students envisioned what it might look like. It was a nice idea.

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PArk marina in redding
“Of the 27 acres in the Park Marina area, 18 acres will be dedicated to open space for various recreational uses. New development on the site will include:
Park MArina in Redding

    • a 6,000 square foot outdoor amphitheater;
    • a 12 screen theater complex;
    • 145 residential units of different types and sizes;
    • two hotels and a bed-and-breakfast;
    • a marketplace with eateries, small scale development, a
    permanent outdoors facility for weekly farmers’ markets
    and seasonal craft fairs, an arts plaza;
    • 1,000 parking spaces in two new three-story garages on
    Park Marina Drive;
    • traffic calming measures along the whole project site and
    a pedestrian bridge”

You can read the whole Park Marina plan document at the link. Thanks Cal Poly students and staff, for showing us what could be.

This subject came up at dinner with friends yesterday evening. And how Redding so often turns its back on the river that defines us. Surely it will not be that way forever.

Park Marina in Redding
Park Marina in Redding by Skip Murphy

Erin runs the River Trail preparing for DWS

Erin runs the Sacramento River Trail, working out in preparation for fundraising via Dancing with the Stars Shasta County. A fundraiser for The Shasta County Women’s Refuge.

It’s going to be a lot of hard work to get ready for this big event. Click on the image below to Like Erin and Max on Facebook. Thanks for your support!
Erin murphy dancing with the stars

French chef Reynald Tel wows the Miracle Mile

French Chef Reynald Tel in Redding CA

Reyanld Tel in Redding ca
Chef Reynald explains the menu. The menu changes continuously.
Appetizers in ReddingFrench food Reynald style in redding

Gourmet food in Redding Ca
Rib eye steak in Redding CA

Chef Raynaud in Redding CA
Chef Reynald Tel
Acting on a tip from blogger Marc Beauchamp, we’ve become big fans of chef Reynald Tel and the Bourbon & Bull. He cooks with continental flair and friendly style, and best of all, he performs right in front of patrons. The grill is off to the side of the bar. The food is terrific and inexpensive.

Guilty confession: Although this bar is among the closest to my home, I’d never actually set foot inside until Marc’s article. Huh. Great scoop, Marc. The things you might learn about your hometown from a blogger. I’m telling you, don’t miss this treat.
Bourbon and Bull in Redding CA
Formerly BT's - Bourbon & Bull, 610 N Market St Redding CA - Open for Lunch and Dinner

Sakura Sushi serves savory seafood

Sakura Sushi in Redding
This is the first place I ever tried Sushi, many years ago. At lunch with friends from the nearby Citizen’s Utilities office. I guess I’d led a sheltered palate up until that memorable day in the early ’80s. I fell in love with the fine art of Japanese cuisine right then, and so this warm and welcoming restaurant holds special place in my heart.
Sakura sushi in Redding
For those in the know, this restaurant still represents something quite different than what you’ll find in a Chinese restaurant, or some supermarket cold shelf. It’s authenticity.

There is a calmness to proprietor Kenji Tanaka. He can stand by quietly, preparing gorgeous works of art that melt in your mouth. Or he can engage you with a sly wit and clear understanding of nearly any topic. Or select a quiet booth. Whatever you like, because at Sakura, the customer is as much the center of attention as the food.
Suakura Sushi in ReddingBut oh, the food. The food is a revelation. And it’s inexpensive. That helps explain why this may be the oldest sushi restaurant in Redding. For those in the know.
Sakura restaurant in Redding
Sakura restaurant 2130 East St Redding (530) 244 0201 Open for Dinners
Located on East Street across from R&R Meats. Recommend you call ahead (530) 244 0201. Their hours are limited. Sakura has a Facebook page you can check and Like too. Sakura is Really Redding.

An abstract music video with score by Craig Padilla and me.

An appropriately hypnotic video by visual artist Zrnho set the music Craig Padilla and I recorded in 2010 using analog synthesizers.
Set the controls for full screen and full volume, and get ready to space out…

Nice to see this indigenous Redding music translates across the Atlantic. Pleasurable listening right down to the cerebral cortex for me, as it brings back fond creative memories. Thanks Zrnho. Your work is inspiring. Check out many more clips at his prolific online video channel. Gotta love the interweb.

Should mention too that you can buy this CD directly from Craig, and get a better fidelity recording along with the cool cover art. CraigPadilla.com

Redding Dragstrip begins 2012 season with Street Legal Race

Street legal racing at the Redding Dragstrip keeps competitive spirits with powerful machines from racing on the streets of our community.
Redding dragstripIt’s safe and legal to speed at RDS. Saturday, putting the hammer down at 6pm.
Just $5 gets you in, $10 to race. Redding style prices, for sure.
Redding dragstripBetter here than on the street. Modern motorcycles have astonishing speed. Just gotta try it out somewhere…
Redding dragstrip jet carOh by the way, The Beast will return for Kool April Drags. This year the plan is to chain a car to the back of this thing and toast it. A “Car-B-Que.” I kid you not. Two nights in a row! That should be…I don’t know what, but I’ll be there.