Oh, those Oregon kids

Every year, I like seeing the videos produced by Oregon college kids letting off steam at Lake Shasta.


Unfortunately this year was marred by social media images of trash left behind from partygoers. That’s too bad. Slaughterhouse Island in particular received the brunt of party leftovers. Actions of adults with no supervision.

We humans are a messy species. We all seem to party with our ecosphere like we somehow own the planet. And so I guess we do own it. There’s no other species to tell us we don’t.

We’re all Oregon kids when it comes to our planet. Actions of adults with no supervision.

Historic Redding Theater on California Street

Facebook friend Lee Riggs posts to a group Northern California History. I always find his posts fascinating. He recently posted this image of the Redding Theater marquee on California Street in Redding, from the famous Eastman collection.

Historic Redding Theater California Street
I did some Photoshop cleaning, and enlarged it a bit. I like how it turned out. Click to expand.

Historic Market St Redding

This story of life in Redding years ago appeared in the comments section of the Facebook post. Curating it here, since it adds detail that helps paint the picture of daily life here years ago.

“JOE Cabitto was washing dishes in Jaegel’s Cafe when the two prospectors came in lugging a gunny sack holding a gleaming 370 ounce gold nugget. The miners had found the nugget in Motion Creek, which joins the Sacramento River just below Shasta Dam. At the time, Shasta Dam was still 30 years in the future, Cabitto was a strapping young fellow and Redding had about 4,000 residents who swatted mosquitoes and shivered with malaria, even in the blistering summer heat. Jaegel’s, where Cabitto washed dishes and waited table, was a no frills cafe offering hearty roast beef dinners for 35 cents. Jaegel’s location eventually would be swallowed up by The Mall in downtown Redding, and Oser’s women’s wear store would replace the cafe. Nobody even dreamed of a mall.

Cabitto was “pearl diving,” or washing dishes, in Jaegel’s Cafe. Across Market Street, in those days, was Bags McConnell’s pool hall, where a Western Union “boy” stood on a stool and read a blow by blow telegraph version after each round in the 1927 Dempsey Tunney fight. Cabitto won $800 on that fight, the outcome of which still stirs bitter arguments because of the “long count” the referee gave Tunney after Dempsey knocked him down.

Jaegels was the favorite restaurant not only for the men who worked in town, but also for the farmers and miners who came to town on business. It was on the west side of Market Street just north of the Yuba Street intersection. All the cooking was done behind the counter on a wood stove. I had to go out into the alley in the back to cool off. There were a couple of big ceiling fans but all they did was keep the flies off the counter. The meals were served at the counter except for a couple of tables at the back where the few women who came in were served. It was my job to serve them. We called the tables the “Blue Room” and I really hated waiting on those women, especially when they were drinking. Dinners were thirty five cents and were served from 11:30 AM to 3:00 PM. That thirty five cent dinner included what they had cooked that particular day—roast beef, roast pork, beef stew, or on Thursday we had corned beef and cabbage, plus three pieces of bread with butter, potatoes, coffee or milk. After 3:00 PM the meals were served short order, mostly steak. A rib steak cost forty cents, a T bone sixty five cents. They were thick too. Fridays we had fish—halibut and sanddabs from Seattle, or fresh eastern oysters which came in cans packed in ice. Jaegel’s was the only place in town that served 10 cent coffee. All the other restaurants sold it for a nickel. The reason was we had to get rid of the morning coffee drinkers so there’d be room to start serving dinners at 11:00 to the regular customers. Some of the other people who worked there were: Ed Gibson and August Jacobi, the bartenders, Bob Gibson and Barnett, the cooks, Bill Rester, the waiter. George Lapp was the owner. His mother had been a Jaegel. The pay was $85.00 a month and board for seven days a week, eleven hours a day and no vacation. So we figured the more we ate the more we got paid. I went from a modest ] 65 pounds to 240 pounds. During the Depression we had to take a cut in pay, down to $65.00 a month, but they didn’t cut the prices for the meals.”

Again, this is from Lee Riggs. Thanks for sharing.

Redding Rodeo 2016 captured like none other

I’ve never seen better photos of the Redding Rodeo than these from photojournalist Matt Cohen:
Redding Rodeo Matt CohenAmazing! You may need to be logged in to Facebook to see the entire album. Well worth your viewing! Rodeo is tonight and tomorrow.

Astonishing Rodeo athleticism from animals and humans. That’s Really Redding.

Breakfast with 10,000 of my friends tomorrow

Re-posting this video we did a few years ago of the annual Asphalt Cowboy’s Pancake Breakfast that takes place each year on Friday of Rodeo Week. We’ve been going to this annual fundraising breakfast for as long as I can remember, and obviously we aren’t alone. I think it’s really unique to our town, and a terrific example of the true Redding spirit. Tomorrow morning, on Market Street at the Cascade Theatre block.

Breakfast with 10,000 or so of my friends and neighbors. That’s Really Redding.
Redding rodeo 2012 images by Skip MurphyREedding Rodeo

Northstate Symphony in Reddding

I saw this beautiful image on Facebook, captured by the always amazing Rachel Hatch. Curating it here for those of you who come to this blog looking for all things Redding. #ThisisRedding
Click to enlarge.
Northstate Symphony by Rachel Hatch
I love the way the stage light reflects from the interior decor of Cascade Theatre. I wish I’d been there in person instead, but this photo is just delightful. Thanks for letting me use it here, Rachel.
Learn more about the Northstate Symphony at their website.

Lake Shasta at Jones Valley Resort

Captured a few quick images of the Jones Valley Marina and Resort yesterday.

Looks like it will be a great year on the lake in 2016! Click to enlarge.

Silverthorn Marina

Silverthorn2 2016

Silverthorn 1 2016

Years of drought made for some lean tourist seasons for our resorts.

Not this year.

Another resort/marina out that way is Silverthorn. They posted this amusing pitch on their website:

“The US Department of State is issuing Worldwide Caution with respect to the continuing threat of terrorist actions and violence against U.S. citizens and interests throughout the world. Why take the chance of traveling abroad this summer when you can opt for a safe and luxurious vacation on Shasta Lake and stay close to home. Call us at 800-332-3044 to discuss your needs, or book online now at silverthornresort.com“

Indeed, why take a chance? Throw your “Worldwide Caution” to the wind.

Vacationing on Lake Shasta is Really Redding.

Mouse in the pool

Redding mouse secures refuge on a makeshift island consisting of a pool sweep float.

Mouse in pool
As found this morning. Presumably it was an anxious night for said rodent. Click to enlarge and then see what you think is going on in it’s tiny mind. Skimmed out calmly, and set free to face the next mouse challenge.

Sunset Koi

Meet Victoria, co owner of Sunset Koi and Pond Supply in Redding.

Sunset Koi2

Sunset Koi sells Japanese Koi from their ponds just south of the Redding airport. Seen below, Queen Victoria summons her aquatic subjects with just a wave of her hand. This waterfall and pond contains her pets.

Sunset koi3I’ve been pondering Koi recently, since I spent several months feeding fish daily for a client who had moved away and left me to sell her house -along with the fish. Feeding Cheerios to friendly and beautiful Koi while watching them swim about is a very calming activity. The home I had listed for sale on Bear Mountain Road sold a few days ago, and the buyer actually wrote the fish into the purchase agreement!

Koi added value to the home.

Sunset Koi4Click any image to enlarge. Turns out, there is an active group of Koi enthusiasts in the Northstate, although judging from their club website they seem to be between leaders. It happens.

So pretty!
Sunset Koi6

Sunset Koi7

Koi are domesticated Carp, as are Goldfish. They have been selectively bred over time for color and scale variations.

Sunset Koi8

Seen here are their fish for sale. Sunset Koi sells fish in a price range from $15 to $400. Victoria knows many of the Koi people in town, and after I told her my Koi home sale story, she told me of a local home that recently sold for close to a million dollars, where the owner would actually fly to Japan to purchase fish. Not sure if the fish went with the house! I have also seen a deep Koi pond at a Redding home, where you could literally swim with the fish. The Koi lifestyle seems a pursuit you could spend as much or as little as you’d like. They are like swimming art objects. It’s quite handy that you can get pond kits that are easy to install from sites like https://lovefishtank.com/best-pond-kits/, as they’re a great way of helping you move into the hobby of caring for Koi on a budget, before you spend the big bucks and have a huge pond installed!

Sunset Koi9

Sunset Koi also sells fancy goldfish, fish supplies, and waterplants. And a multitude of pond making and sustaining supplies.

So soothing to watch.

Sunset Koi10a

Below, from the Sunset Koi Facebook page. They are hosting a contest (“Pondtest,” actually) that will allow you a day of self guided tours of 9 local ponds:

“For those who haven’t heard of the Pondtest; it’s a fun little event that Sunsetkoi put together back in 2014. People opened their ponds for public viewing for one day over the summer and the public got the chance to view the ponds and vote on which was their favorite. Top tip: oxygenators are useful for your ponds, because it stops the growth of algae. The plants absorb excess nutrients to prevent feeding the algae, and keep the pond cool (algae love warm conditions). Puddle Plants sell plenty of oxygenating plants for your pond if you’re interested.

We are currently putting together the list of ponds and sponsors and are in need of at least two more ponds for the Pondtest which will be held June 18th from 9am to 4pm. If you are interested please message us over facebook or email us at vldolan2006@yahoo.com.

For those who don’t wish to be on the Pondtest but would like to view ponds tickets will be available April 1st at Sunset Koi, and a few select stores that will be announced at a later date. You are more than welcome to call Sunset Koi or check out the website for more info.”

Sunset Koi 1

Swimming art in soothing ponds. That’s Really Redding.

Heavy river flows in Redding

River-in-Redding640After 4 years of drought, it really is somewhat disturbing to watch high water flows in the Sacramento River as it flows past lovely Redding California. Knowing the water won’t be stored downstream for later in our hot Summer. Drawing down Lake Shasta for flood control prudence, but perhaps for nothing. So it’s a pretty view, but also a reminder that we need more water storage like the Sites Reservoir to be built if California is to continue to thrive.
Overabundant water, it’s Really Redding.