Lulus Eating and Drinking Establishment

Today we’re looking at Lulu’s Eating and Drinking Establishment, located at the terminus of Pine, California, South Market, and Cypress.  “All roads lead to Lulu’s.”Lulus frontAt first, you might think it an ordinary hotel/motel based diner. But it’s definitely not ordinary. It’s a full bar too, and you can order drinks. Strong drinks in fact.
Lulus Main diningOverheard in the booth adjacent, “I want a Steak Diane, but with Chicken.” The waitress hesitated only briefly to consider that menu idea before agreeing and setting a price. “And bring us 2 tequila shots.” No hesitation at all on that afternoon request.

Lulus Chickenfried steakClassic American Diner Cuisine. I ordered the Chicken Fried Steak, and the lovely Karry opted for the Prime Rib Sandwich. “We serve a lot of Prime Rib,” says our waitress. You can order everything from their extensive menu, at all hours.

Maybe next time I’ll order “Prime Rib Sandwich, only with chicken,” just to see if the waitress even hesitates.

Lulus Prime RibIt’s bigger inside than it looks from the outside. The decor is meant to be sort of an ersatz Barbary Coast. But that look is hardly an artifice in Redding, which has seen it’s fair share of bordellos. Redding has been a logging, mining, dam building kind of place, and Lulu’s captures our Western essence very well.
Lulus Lounge
Lulus BarBack here in the meeting room, they used to have the Shasta Blues Society jams on Thursday nights. All that’s left of the blues seems to be the carpet.
Lulus Meeting roomLulu’s has a website with menus. And a Facebook page to Like.
Lulu websiteHappy Hour starts every day at 3 pm. But you can be happy you came to Lulu’s anytime. It’s Really Redding.


Taqueria Los Gordos in Redding

Los Gordos is a classic Mexican food place in downtown Redding, at the corner of Pine and Tehama. We usually go for the street-vendor style carnitas tacos.
Los Gordos 2

Los Gordos 3

Los Gordos 5The dining area is utilitarian, but you can gaze out the windows on a couple of Redding’s busiest streets.
Since we’re here, we recall years ago, eating at this restaurant and watching Redding’s fabled Cruise Night. “The Cruise” was pretty mild craziness by today’s tough street standards. Something of a “Mad Max meets Burning Man with a Deliverance soundtrack” vibe. Wild enough for city fathers to outlaw, even back then. Too bad, really. It was quite a spectacle. We shall say a brief prayer now for “The Cruise” and simpler times.
Los Gorditos 1
We usually take-out. Ideal for picnics, these foil wrapped pockets of cilantro-onion-corn tortilla delight travel well. This tastes much better than I can make it look as a photo. Not your cheesy-lettuce style tacos here. Auténtico.
Los Gordos 4
Los Gordos has 2 locations in Redding. The other on Churn Creek near Bonneyview. The Taqueria Los Gordos website also mentions a restaurant in Red Bluff. Looks like they’ve got el estado del norte covered.
Auténtico carnitas tacos. It’s Really Redding.

Kahunas Mongolian BBQ in Redding

Edit 2019: Kahunas has moved over to Churn Creek to a location where several other restaurants have failed, including Brick’s Barbeque. So far so good for Kahuna’s though.

Kahunas is one Redding’s more recent new restaurants. They let you build a bowl of your choices of stir-fry type elements, and then cook it in front of you on a super hot flat grill.

Kahunas7Located on Market street heading south, across from Herried Music. They offer a full bar.


Add your cooking choices from a bewildering array of sauces, spices, and oils. They have recipes to follow, if you prefer. Or wing it.


Then watch while your bowl gets grilled. It won’t take long. That grill is HOT!



They hand it over to you steaming and sizzling. It was so delicious looking and aromatic, I forgot to take a photo before digging in.  But here’s after a few bites, along with sticky rice.



Terrific choices of craft beers. And the interesting wasabi sauce at the table capped it off.

Kahunas8Kahunas is open 7 days a week, 11 am to 9 pm, which is awesome. No need to wonder if they are open. Go hungry, or you’ll need a to-go box. Kahunas is all about choices, so you can’t really go wrong.


Go get an Onoburger at the Ono Store and International Cafe

Ono is only about 16 miles from Redding on out Placer Road, but it feels somehow much farther away. Arriving there feels like the culmination of some kind of trek, crossing this insanely tall bridge.Veterans Bridge2
Idyllic pastoral Shasta County scenes line your journey.
IGO barnThe Ono Store and International Cafe is our destination. Downtown Ono.
Ono StoreInside, it’s wild and wonderful.
Ono 2

Ono 3

Ono 4There’s also a patio out back. No photos of the food, for once. We’ll gladly revisit and get some images. They do have good photos at the Ono Store and International Cafe Facebook Page, which you should Like. Order an Onoburger with cheese for the full experience. The buns are homemade. 11851 N. Platina Road. (530) 396-2300. It hits the spot.Ono 1If you can envision the culinary spectrum of Shasta food from east to west as say Anselmo, to View 202, to Damburger, to Moonstone and beyond, you can’t say you’ve experienced the full gamut without a trip out Placer Road for an Onoburger.
Onoburgers, they’re Really Redding.

Breakfast in McCloud, at The White Mountain Cafe

McCloud California is about an hour’s drive north of Redding. Here’s The McCloud River Mercantile Hotel and the White Mountain Cafe yesterday.
McCloud Cafe 1280

McCloud Cafe interior 1280
Stop in for a maple/apple crisp and a cuppa coffee. And then outside, Mt Shasta.
MtShasta Feb52014
I don’t recall ever seeing her so quite barren in February. Hopefully, today’s storm brings the snow.
White Mountain Fountain

Click on the image to go to their site and menu. Here’s a note from the hotel proprietor:
“It has been a mild winter, the weather has been great but we need some snow. Please call us for a 10% discount off any room.
The McCloud River Mercantile Hotel – 530.964.2602.”

Cicada Cantina Restaurant in Redding

This is one of the newer restaurants in town. It’s housed in a former Chevy’s location on Hilltop Drive. And much like Chevy’s, it serves a sort of Cali-Mexi food fusion.
Cicada exterior 1

Cicada exterior 2There’s a big banner to remind everyone they won a popularity contest at the newspaper. Redding is an unusually tough town for good restaurants, and the only popularity that really counts is a full house.
Cicada bar 1280Beautiful decor, lighting, and sculptural elements. Click to slightly enlarge.
Cicada 3 -1280Cicada 2-1280Doesn’t that Fajita Plate look awesome? All sizzling and popping. Seriously, click on that image.

Cicada Cantina also has an outdoor patio, and a full bar with emphasis on specialty margaritas. Sun – Thur 11am – 11pm   •   Fri & Sat 11am – 1am 530.638.4979  Give it a try.

“Eat here or we both starve”

Edit 2019: Well, one of us starved, evidently. The repainted Big Dipper is currently offline.

Hunger Games from the Big Dipper in Shasta Lake City.
Big Dipper

Big Dipper2The Big Dipper isn’t all that big. But it’s been open for 75 years or so. Stop in, and avoid starvation. You can’t miss it, in the middle of Shasta Dam Boulevard in Shasta Lake City.

75 years of Damburgers

Enjoyed lunch at Damburger Saturday. Here’s a few images of this classic Redding institution. On Placer near Pine Street.
“What would you like?”
Damburger3“So, what does everyone come here for? What’s the specialty here?”
Oh, duh. Of course. “I’ll take one of those, with everything on it.”
Damburger2 It’s a classic American burger. Evoking the burgers of my youth. A no-nonsense treat.
A blue collar place from a more unpretentious era. Popular with locals for good reason.
Damburger5 You can go to the Damburger website, and register for deals via Facebook or Text. Add in a vegetarian burger to the menu, and that’s all the modernity Damburger has needed to thrive since 1938.
A burger with fries that satisfies a hunger for a simpler time. As we celebrate 75 years of Shasta Dam this month, consider a Damburger. Thanks to blogger Marc Beauchamp for the idea.
Damburger. It’s Really Redding.

Pop’s 50’s Place is authentic Redding food on old Highway 99

Out on old Highway 99 (now Hwy 273) you’ll find Pop’s 50’s Place. here are a few images from this afternoon. Love the hot rods that often meet up there.
In addition to authentic Highway 99 cuisine at the drive-up, Pop’s also makes a great salsa you can buy at the restaurant. Made and sold locally. The next batch will be available tomorrow after 11 am.


Pops3Click to enlarge slightly. Love the detail on this one! From the Flying A station on Market and Eureka Way. 530 241 0487. Open daily 10 am to 7 pm. It’s located at 3443 South Market Street in Redding. Roots road food. It’s Really Redding.

LaCabana Restaurant in Redding muy delicioso

A few images from one of our longtime favorite Mexican food places in Redding, LaCabana.





LaCabana6Located on Market Street across from Sherven Square near Tehama Street. Next to Crown Camera. We recall this from long ago as very politically incorrect Sambo’s Restaurant. Put to better use now as family-run La Cabana. The lovely Karry likes the Chimichangas, and I like just about everything else on the menu. Give it a try if you haven’t already. Muy sabroso. That’s Really Redding.