Breakfast in McCloud, at The White Mountain Cafe

McCloud California is about an hour’s drive north of Redding. Here’s The McCloud River Mercantile Hotel and the White Mountain Cafe yesterday.
McCloud Cafe 1280

McCloud Cafe interior 1280
Stop in for a maple/apple crisp and a cuppa coffee. And then outside, Mt Shasta.
MtShasta Feb52014
I don’t recall ever seeing her so quite barren in February. Hopefully, today’s storm brings the snow.
White Mountain Fountain

Click on the image to go to their site and menu. Here’s a note from the hotel proprietor:
“It has been a mild winter, the weather has been great but we need some snow. Please call us for a 10% discount off any room.
The McCloud River Mercantile Hotel – 530.964.2602.”