Redding’s fire based economy

We have had economic change over the years, just like everywhere. Our area was once mining based, and then railroad based, and then logging based. Today we are more or less medical services, and retail-based. Except for the substantial part that is government-based. And a big part of that has become the fire-camp based economy.

To those who criticize the Stillwater Industrial Park, I ask: what’s your plan to provide jobs in the Northstate? The fire-camp based economy seems like a bit of a dead-end road. We’ve seen dead-end economic plans here before…

Last week of freedom for kids, back to school next week

Redding kids enjoy summer fun at Caldwell Park
Some teachers are going back to school this week, and the kids start next week. Summer went by fast. It always does….
Redding kids enjoy summer fun at Caldwell Park
There’s lots for kids to do all summer here. The Aquatic Center is a great place to spend a day. We’re lucky to have it. Redding is such an idyllic place to live if you are a kid, or just a kid at heart. Sorry about that approaching school thing, kids! (and teachers!)
Redding kids enjoy summer fun at Caldwell Park

A short trip to Hell can be heavenly

Bumpass Hell in nearby Lassen Park is just a short hike off the main highway. Fleeing the hot summer days in the valley below can lead to a different kind of heat. Geothermal.
Lassen Park near Redding CA

The trail leads to a magical part of the Caldera of long vanished Mt Tehama. Walking in, we met people from Belgium, Germany, Australia, and Japan. We are reminded this is a world class hike, so near to home. Bumpass Hell is named after a man who was burned walking where he shouldn’t. Hell, indeed, Mr. Bumpass.
Lassen Park near Redding CA
Fumarole vents and boiling water are evidence that you are near the powerful forces deep in the earth. Sulfurous gases vent with a roar.
Lassen Park near Redding CA
It’s beautiful and sort of terrifying all at once.
Lassen Park near Redding CA
This bird didn’t seem to mind any of it. Did life itself spring from primeval cauldrons like these?
Lassen Park near Redding CA

A trip to the Farmer's Market leaves Karry speechless.

Today’s sojourn to Redding’s Certified Organic Farmers Market next to our City Hall was fruitful in several ways. Here is some of our haul. I love those Thai Peppers, but a few go a long way. These few yellow onions represent the last of the Walla Walla onion season, we’re told.
Food from Redding's Farmers Market
We needed some Olive Oil, so we stopped at the Olinda Ridge guy’s booth. He insisted we try several varieties from tiny cups on bits of bread. To tell the truth, a lot of the subtlety was lost on me. Grassy, buttery, whatever. Its all good. We liked the idea of the Pomegranate Vinegar. A couple of funny parts: One variety of oil he said was Doni Greenberg’s favorite, and he asked if I’d heard of her. In fact I have. Who knew she was endorsing olive oil?

At one point, he turned to Karry and asked, “ So what do you think of that variety?” A bit of silence ensued. I looked at her face and realized she had swallowed it wrong or something, and temporarily couldn’t speak. That’s when 30+ years of marriage kicked in.

“That works great. I’ll take a half gallon of whatever she had.” 😉

Summer thunderstorm over Trinity County

Rivers in Redding
We took in dinner at Rivers and watched the lightning show from the patio.
Rivers in Redding
I wish I had my tripod, and some way to capture the lightning on camera. It was really spectacular. It wasn’t your typical Redding August evening view.
Rivers in Redding
Dinner was good too.

When the going gets hot, the hot go to Lassen.

We are so blessed here in Redding. When it gets a bit too hot in the valley, we can head for the hills. It’s not far at all to Lassen Park, maybe an hour or so drive. Once there, you will find tourists from all over the world enjoying the scenery and volcanic splendor. We took these shots on Friday.
Lassen Park near Redding CA
Lassen Park near Redding CA
Lassen Park near Redding CA
Lassen Park near Redding CA

Tempest blows Anderson away

The Progressive Celtic band Tempest made a repeat appearance at the Mosquito Serenade, and put on a fine show indeed.
At first only the youngest kids are dancing, since they are more in touch with the muse.
But soon, the group of dancers grows larger, as the bigger kids join in.
Like a chain reaction, the group of dancers builds.
This band is hotter than than an Anderson July.
Soon the whole crowd is one single pulsating organism, throbbing to the rhythym.
Yes, you have them in the palm of your hand. Nice work.
What a terrific venue. This is a longtime Anderson tradition, but since Ken Hartman has been running the show and improving the facility, it’s really become special. Thanks to all who contribute. And Tempest, well, you blew us away!

Happy Birthday Art Hop images

The Art Hop Birthday Bash was a huge success, from all we saw. There were lots of people out and about, and so much to see and do. We went for quality over quantity, spending time at Kimberly Nicole, and also catching a set of Just Married at the Discovery Shop. The Redding scene continues to evolve…

Redding's Art Hop imagesArtHopKimberlyNicole2

You know it’s a mild July day in Redding when Hula dancers can perform barefoot on asphalt while the sun’s still up in the sky.
And of course every performer’s dream gig is a corner in a secondhand store, but sometimes certain things just fit comfortably in Redding, and you are compelled to go with the flow.
Yes, they are Still Married, and they offer their authentic CD’s for a mere $5. How can you go wrong on that? A perfect Art Hop birthday present.
Thanks Art Hoppers and shoppers!