I saw this beautiful image on Facebook, captured by the always amazing Rachel Hatch. Curating it here for those of you who come to this blog looking for all things Redding. #ThisisRedding
Click to enlarge.
I love the way the stage light reflects from the interior decor of Cascade Theatre. I wish I’d been there in person instead, but this photo is just delightful. Thanks for letting me use it here, Rachel.
Learn more about the Northstate Symphony at their website.
Free tickets to see Decades at the Cascade this afternoon
Cascade Theatre in oil
Well, digital oil paint. I thought this digital image manipulation turned out interesting. The lovely Cascade Theatre in Redding rendered as something like an oil painting, with just few clicks. That is all.
Got some extra warehouse space you can donate to the Cascade Theatre for productions?
Received this plea from fellow Realtor Suyen Leak today:
The Cascade Theatre has been able to use Riverfront Playhouse in the past to work on props and murals for their shows but this year they are starting demolition and construction for their new theatre and will not be available. This year's A Cascade Christmas and Fiddler on the Roof will need space to start building their props, murals and hopefully a place to store. Here are some more specs & details...... A space that is flat and unobstructed for a big backdrop to be laid down and painted ( a space About 1125 sqft building sg ft)...this is the min room for a backdrop, if we had a bit more room both ways for walk around room that would be great too....ideal space would be about 1500 sq ft ....we are very clean & thankful for any space that might fit these dimensions. If there was an additional enclosed or outside area where we could build sets & store them until show time that would be great too. The ideal dates are from Sept- end of April (For both Cascade Christmas & Fiddler on the Roof) We could exchange some comp tickets for the shows (Cascade Christmas, Fiddler on the Roof or Both...depending on how long we are able to use the space/for what shows) We could also exchange for advertising too & sponsor/program listing (close to 15,000 printed programs & over 20,000 audience viewers for both shows for advertising exposure) We have our own liability insurance, so we are covered there. It would be great if the space had a bathroom & lights (My backdrop painter often works odd/late hours so he would need a key so that he can come & go as needed) Please email or call me if you or any of your clients might have this type of warehouse space available. Thank you! ---------- SUYEN LEAK
A worthy cause. If you have anything, call me and I can pass it along to Suyen. If I don’t get any suggestions, I could always inform them of the option of prefabricated buildings to use as a storage facility and a place to build their props. I think this would be very ideal for their requirements and definitely something they should know about. However, anything you have is useful for Suyen to know about. Thanks! Skip 244 7603