Shasta Living Streets celebrates on Park Marina Drive

We really enjoyed pedaling around the Park Marina area with no cars around today, courtesy of and Rader Traffic Control. The neighborhood presents an entirely different perspective by bike.
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Getting a cheeseburger at Fallis Around Town in Redding
Getting a cheeseburger at Fallis Around Town in Redding
As amazing as it was out there, it’s truly bittersweet. Both Erin and I spent our morning ride describing to one another how lovely it would be if Park Marina instead was lined with shops and restaurants facing the river. And if it incorporated bikes and walking, all the time. All these people would be out every day enjoying our short urban waterfront. Our hidden jewel. Maybe riding bikes from bistro to sports bar for a pint. So beautiful. So pleasant. Just nice.
I’ve written about this subject before, here. There is a Park Marina vision. I didn’t make this up.
For now, I’m just sorry about it. Just moping about a vision unrealized, on the one day a year you can almost taste it. Just for a day.
We now return you to your previously scheduled automotive purgatory.