Fireworks for the 4th in Redding 2018

We celebrate Independence Day in Redding with a big free fireworks show put on every year by the generous McConnell foundation. Here it is as I captured 4K video from a friend’s kitchen in the west hills. 20 minutes condensed to 30 seconds, or so.

If you use the YouTube controls, you can see this in full 4K video. I like how it turned out.

Personal fireworks are forbidden in Shasta County, for good reason. This place is very flammable in Summer. But this big free show really makes up for that restriction.

Free fireworks shows, that’s Really Redding.

A Sundial Solstice 2018

Captured this lovely image of the sunrise on the Solstice with our own Sundial Bridge in the foreground. Click the image to slightly expand, and you can see a great many people on the bridge deck enjoying Yoga.
In Redding on the longest day of the year, some begin with yoga at a very picturesque setting. That’s Really Redding.

12 Angry Men at Riverfront Playhouse

Just returned from “12 Angry Men” at Riverfront Playhouse. Brilliant concept and execution! An immersive experience. Really hits home if you’ve ever served on a jury. The superb acting just draws you in. Runs until July 7. Highly recommended. More at

Redding is a cool resort town

Driving around downtown, and bicycling the Sacramento River trail, it’s sometimes easy to forget Redding is also a world class resort town near one of the biggest recreational lakes in California. Our busy season starts Memorial Day weekend. Here are some recent scenes from a couple marinas on the Pit Arm all ready for the 2018 seasonal rush.

Only a few days until high season. The economy has been cooking along, lateley. We’ll start seeing some high-end/big-money boats this weekend. New money from out of town. All part of the fun.

The Sundial in our lives

Dramatically rising from Redding’s verdant canopy of riparian trees, the brilliant white gnomon ( of the Sundial Bridge is visible for miles. An enormous and poignant timepiece that serves to remind all: Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat. (All hours wound; the last one kills)

We are allotted roughly 28,000 days on this earthly plane. The last hour for each of us will prove fatal. Every day, upon glimpsing our Sundial reminder, we recognize Tempus fugit. Time flies…

Superb Owl Sunday

Spotted these acrobatically inclined individuals north of the Sundial Bridge, whilst there was some sort of big game on TV.