Ambient music piece
Ambient music, as defined by me, is music that sets a mood of some sort, and is interesting, but not so interesting as to be distracting or serve as a central focus of concentration. It’s good background music for mental activities or other such abstract endeavors. I like to think of it as music that…
I’m quoted in the RS
A good article about buying foreclosures by David Benda appeared in the RS on Sunday. It was thoughtful and accurate. Read it HERE. Mother doesn’t go out anymore Just sits at home and rolls her spastic eyes But every weekend through the door Come words of wisdom from the world outside Sunday papers don’t ask…
A cold wind blows through the Homeshow
We’ve had a booth at the Homeshow in Anderson for several years now. This Fall show was very lightly attended, coming on the heels of the stock market problems. In the past, it’s been a decent way to meet people in a non-threatening environment. We give out schwag (free promotional items like Custom Water bottles)….
Candidates answer questions.
I attended the Shasta Board of Realtors meeting today October 8 2008 for their candidate’s forum. The lineup from left to right is Russell Hunt, Missy McArthur, Norma Comnick, Melissa Hunt, Dick Dickerson, John Wood, Ken Murray, Terry Oxley, Jim McDilda, and Gary Cadd. Norma and Melissa are running for council in Anderson, and the…
Hre’s a link to the MySpace page of Chico shoegazer the Soul’s Release. I love the name of this genre, shoegaze. I imagine young emo’s staring at their shoes earnestly. Anyway I like the music. There are a few tunes availalble on the page and you can download it from iTunes if you are…
Rich Wright 1943-2005
“I know we’ve made some great songs and great music,” … “but I can’t tell you why we’re so popular” Richard Wright, keyboard player for Pink Floyd. 1943-2008 Fellow keyboard player Craig Padilla called me and told me the news. It made me terribly melancholy all day yesterday. As a musician, one is influenced by…