I’m on the Green Committee with several of my colleagues at the Shasta Association of REALTORS. It’s a big subject! Our committee discussion ranges widely. We are all individuals with a broad spectrum of ideas and opinions about how best to influence homebuilders and homebuyers to be more environmentally conscious, but that’s our common goal. If you have any ideas that I can use, or help implement our mission in my role as Green Committee participant among the local REALTOR group, please contact me.
Rainy day in Redding is no Nor'Easter blizzard
Watched New Englanders digging out of record snow again on TV. Since much of national news is East Coast based, it seems to be big news everywhere you look. And in fact it looks rough out there. Are you growing tired of dirty snow? Consider Redding. It’s raining today, but that’s just lovely. Fills up our many lakes and rivers. You can see the rain on the CalTrans Traffic Cameras in our area. Nice.
Here’s a view not far from my house. Anyway, if you want to relocate here from your eskimo igloo on the east coast, just click to my Real Estate Services website. I can help with that. Meanwhile, I’m enjoying the rain immensely…
Rainy day reflection
We real estate agents are independent contractors. That means we often work many hours for free, hoping to meet somebody buying or selling a house. This very rainy weekend I held a house open both days on Foothill Blvd, and it was looong time between few lookers. I believe this was also the weekend for NFL playoffs. No playoffs here.
I’m still remaining hopeful that someone will come along eventually; they simply have to. This house is wonderful, and it will also put me in good stead when it comes to having the responsibility of selling homes in the future. In some cases, we may decide to look at other ways to purchase real estate, like through a land contract, for example. The person looking to buy the land makes an agreement regarding the payments with the seller, and will then pay the remaining figures over a certain amount of time. This again is decided between both buyer and seller. But don’t worry, once it has been paid off, the buyer has ownership of the property. Good, right? Of course, you will need a company like Amerinote Xchange to help you along the way, especially if you are looking to sell your own land. And there are some great pieces of land around here, which is probably why so many people have decided to build real estate properties on them. If I was looking for a house, I’d definitely consider buying one in this area, maybe even the homes that I set up an open house for on Foothill Blvd because they were amazing. But just looking for someone, anyone, who is interested in this property is my first obstacle to overcome.
Well, there is time for reflection. And whining, apparently! Things could be worse…
Sawblade yard art in Bella Vista
“Saw” this yard sculpture at a probate property sale in Bella Vista yesterday and just had to post it. You can picture the scene:
“Grandpa, what are you going to do with all those old sawblades?” asked Grandma.
“I’m making a ‘saw horse,’ get it? Hee!” he replied.
Grandpa was a hoot. Even painted mostly aqua blue, it’s a little hard to make it out in the photo, but it’s striking enough in person. You can buy Grandma and Grandpa’s old 2 acre slice of Bella Vista life, including their 2 pigeon coops(?) for $179K.
Really Redding
I get interviewed on KRCR News Channel 7
Orville Thomas of local ABC affiliate KRCR News Channel 7 interviewed me over the weekend about the impending deadline for the federal first time homebuyer tax credit. We spoke for quite a while at a home for sale where I am representing a first time homebuyer in escrow. Orville is a bright and articulate guy, so it was fun. We were in a bank-owned home where the seller is represented by Robin Rivera. My buyer had an emergency at the last minute, so Orville interviewed me instead, and ran with it. I think it turned out okay.
Always fun to see myself on TV. Thanks Orville!
Battle of the local Homeshows rage
Readers know we did the Homeshow at the Anderson Faigrounds last weekend. Its a 3 day burnout, but its always good to see so many of our friends and neighbors. That show has been going on for 30 years, and it was our 5th year there. Meanwhile another Homeshow is scheduled for this weekend at the Redding Convention Center, which is a much smaller venue. We heard this new homeshow is put on by folks from Eureka. One thing is for sure though, the new Redding Homeshow has been MUCH more well advertised. Which I suppose they must do to succeed. Is there room in town for 2 homeshows? Who knows. I guess we’ll find out.
Last week’s homeshow in Anderson is the one run by Popovic, which used to be an upholstery business. Now Jeff and Shirley do this show twice a year, and have a cookie store the rest of the time. This year they added a Baby and Maternity show to Fusaro Hall, which was welcome. From our perspective, the show was well attended by either aging retirees, or expectant moms. It was a striking contrast in demographics. Who knew there were so many moms and moms in waiting around here? I hadn’t seen so many pregnant women since, well maybe never. I guess all those new families will need bigger houses, so maybe the future of real estate here is bright. Come to think of it there are a few houses for sale near me that would make the perfect home for a growing family. Watch this space.
A couple of things to note too. I don’t think I’d seen seeds for sale here before. A reflection of the new interest in home vegetable gardening, no doubt. These seed packages were about 4 times the size of the ones you find at the hardware store. Too bad the photos on the packaging always seems to often look so much better than the results! The tomato packages never show the inevitable hornworms either. I’m going to stick to planting tomatoes though and growing a lot of my own vegetables. Heck, if I get that into my gardening I may even end up producing a whole fields worth on a farm! If I get all the necessary tools and equipment, and search up Mahindra tractors for sale near me, I’ll be good to go! However, I’ll just stick to growing in my back garden for now, but maybe not using the seeds provided here.
Our booth was next to the Egyptian Cotton booth, and they did a very brisk business. It was interesting to hear the shoppers talking about 600 thread-count Egyptian Cotton, and how it felt. The only problem was that the banner sign actually said in very small gray letters (the feel and texture of) EGYPTIAN COTTON. So for all we know it was cotton from Bakersfield or Bangladesh. It was the subject of much hilarity among the regular vendors. It worked though.
Actually, this was one of three booths put up by the As Seen on TV store. Showcasing products whose chief claim to fame is that you’ve seen them on TV. A testament to the power of TV advertising. Hmm. Maybe the new Homeshow in town will do OK after all; it is the one As Seen on TV.