Thoughtful local folks run a website with a focus on the climate
Fighting for climate justice, or even climate crisis awareness, has always been an uphill battle in the Northstate. Many of these folks running this site have put heart and soul into this cause since the early days of scientific consensus. Back then, we could have prevented a lot of the worst effects from greenhouse gas accumulation on our fragile atmosphere, along with our utterly dependent ecosphere. These days, the very real effects are very clear. From threat to crisis. A profusion of wildfire, floods, extinctions, and worse. Action on preventing the even yet worse ecosphere damage to come however, remains difficult, and rare.
It’s hard not to find all this just very depressing, and to want to give up on actively encouraging change. That way leads to nothing but failure. And with so much at stake, failure is just not an option.
Light pollution. That sounds ugly, but that’s what it is. For many places on the modern earth, the night sky is not filled with stars. Fortunately, nearby to Redding you can see the Milky Way and other wonders of celestial majesty with the clarity more familiar to our immediate ancestors.
Local dark sky enthusiasts head west to the Whiskeytown Visitor Center parking lot for quick access. But it looks like a camping trip to Old Station in the east might be best. Just a bit further. I’ve seen several fantastic Milky Way shots with Mt Lassen in the image, so evidently that’s a good choice as well. Check out the amazing work of local photographer Cory Poole for a 2024 Calendar of jaw dropping images like this:
Just another spectacular Autumn day in Northern California. The relatively high lake level seems extra fortuitous for this time of year, perhaps heralding another bountiful water year, climate permitting. The lady of the mountain wearing a skimpy, powdery negligee in anticipation of her dense white winter cloak to come. Meanwhile, these balmy days grow shorter. Make the most of them.
I ran across this image by accident this evening. I captured it from the annual fireworks show put on in Redding for Independence Day. Click to enlarge.
I shot this view of Redding one Summer day in 2023. The extent to which Redding is shaped and defined by the gorgeous Sacramento River is clear. Musical backdrop by Craig Padilla and Skip Murphy.
Click the image below to enlarge:
The Sacramento River is a major river in Northern California, USA. It is one of the most significant rivers in the state and plays a vital role in the region’s geography, ecology, and economy:
Location and Length:
The Sacramento River flows through Northern California, originating in the Klamath Mountains in the northern part of the state.
It flows south for approximately 400 miles (640 kilometers) before emptying into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and eventually the San Francisco Bay.
The Sacramento River watershed is extensive, covering a large portion of Northern California. It encompasses an area of approximately 27,000 square miles (70,000 square kilometers).
The river and its tributaries drain water from various mountain ranges, including the Klamath Mountains, Cascade Range, and the Sierra Nevada.
The Sacramento River is of great ecological and economic importance. It provides freshwater to support a variety of ecosystems, including wetlands, riparian zones, and estuaries.
It’s a vital water source for agriculture in the Sacramento Valley, one of the most productive agricultural regions in California.
Wildlife and Fisheries:
The river is home to diverse wildlife, including various fish species such as salmon, steelhead trout, and sturgeon.
It is known for its historic salmon runs, which were once prolific but have been impacted by dams and water management practices.
Dams and Reservoirs:
Several dams and reservoirs have been constructed along the Sacramento River and its tributaries for flood control, water supply, and hydroelectric power generation.
Shasta Dam, located on the upper Sacramento River, is one of the largest dams in California and forms Shasta Lake, a major reservoir.
The Sacramento River offers numerous recreational opportunities, including boating, fishing, camping, and wildlife viewing.
Its scenic beauty and tranquil waters attract outdoor enthusiasts and tourists.
Conservation Efforts:
Conservation efforts have been undertaken to restore and protect the Sacramento River ecosystem, particularly the salmon populations. Various initiatives aim to improve fish passage, water quality, and habitat restoration.
Delta and Estuary:
The Sacramento River’s delta, where it meets the San Joaquin River, forms a vast and complex estuary known as the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. This delta is a critical habitat for many species and is a hub for water conveyance in California.
Historical Significance:
The Sacramento River has historical significance, particularly noted during the California Gold Rush era of the mid-1800s when it played a significant role in transporting people and goods to the goldfields. Prior to that, the banks of this verdant lifeline was populated with indigenous people. Here in Redding, those were the Wintu people.
Overall, the Sacramento River is a vital natural resource in California, serving as a source of water, supporting ecosystems, and contributing to the state’s agricultural and recreational activities. Efforts to manage and preserve the river’s health and sustainability remain a priority for the region.
I met this gentle spirit on Redding’s Sundial Bridge this evening. Behind him here on the right are the ancestral burial grounds for the Wintu people. Drawing on the water spirit of this place, on this bridge between worlds, with music that flows like the river beneath us. #thisisredding
About 25 minutes drive on Interstate 5 north of Redding, you come across a spectacular sight. Granite spires rising through the forest to the west. This is Castle Crags State Park. Pull off the highway for hiking, camping, or just plain gazing upon the beauty of it all.
Technically, these are granite pluons. Molten granite has formed beneath the surface in these shapes, cooling more slowly than the rock around them. The spires are what you can see uncovered as the surface eroded around them. Seeing that, and realizing the time scale involved in their formation, one is left to ponder the insignificance of a single human lifetime in the face of geologic time. Yeah, it’s brief.
Music in the video is an Excerpt of “Eternal Path” by Craig Padilla and Skip Murphy (me) from the CD Phantasma on the Groove Unlimited label. Gobsmacking scenery courtesy of planet earth. It’s Really Redding.
A genuinely wet winter season after so many years of drought have led us into an epic season of springtime wildflowers. Here’s a drone video my grandson and I captured a few days ago.
In this image, we see the Sundial Bridge located in Redding, California, captured during the early evening in late Winter. The bridge and Sacramento River is beautiful in the sunset reflection, and provides the main focus of the image. In the background, we can see the cityscape also lit up with twinkling lights, creating a mesmerizing and calming effect. Beyond the cityscape, we see snow-capped mountains towering majestically in the distance. The mountains are framed by dramatic clouds, creating a moody atmosphere in the image. Overall, the image presents a beautiful scene that captures the essence of Redding’s natural beauty and man-made marvels.
Shot this view of my backyard while sipping coffee recently. Very soothing.
We’ve had a lot of snow this season. Very unusual, and yet very welcome after so many years of draught. The Sierra and even San Bernardino Mountains are getting buried in feet of the deep white fluff. Excellent! Hope we don’t get an atmospheric river.