Web page for Northstate Climate Action website

Northstate Climate Action website

Thoughtful local folks run a website with a focus on the climate crisis: NSClimateAction.org.

Web page for Northstate Climate Action website

Fighting for climate justice, or even climate crisis awareness, has always been an uphill battle in the Northstate. Many of these folks running this site have put heart and soul into this cause since the early days of scientific consensus. Back then, we could have prevented a lot of the worst effects from greenhouse gas accumulation on our fragile atmosphere, along with our utterly dependent ecosphere. These days, the very real effects are very clear. From threat to crisis. A profusion of wildfire, floods, extinctions, and worse. Action on preventing the even yet worse ecosphere damage to come however, remains difficult, and rare.

It’s hard not to find all this just very depressing, and to want to give up on actively encouraging change. That way leads to nothing but failure. And with so much at stake, failure is just not an option.