Get Anderson news at

Anderson is the community located directly south of Redding. Their newspaper, The Anderson Valley Post, recently shut down after a 132 year run. Times are tough for newspapers.
A former reporter has begun an online news site in hopes of replacing the south Shasta County community-centric Valley Post.
TheAndersonStandardEvery town needs a newspaper. Or its online functional equivalent. A lot of people get their news through social media lately, and that has created some unintended consequences. A newspaper with journalistic standards (or its online functional equivalent) can unite and inform in a way that is truly healthy for democracy. And unhealthy to be without.

Our best wishes for success go to The Anderson Standard. Carry on.

Dunsmuir Brewery Works, indeed it does.

This excellent brewpub is about 50 scenic miles north of Redding, in Dunsmuir.

Perhaps a good thing. If it were any closer, we might never eat anywhere else.

Dunsmuir brewery2The Mahi Mahi tacos are terrific with a hit of Cholula. And the Imperial Red Ale is both sublime and suitably imperious. All on a fine Fall day, outside on the patio.

Dunsmuir Fish tacos

An Ahi sandwich. Also a recurring favorite, the carnitas street tacos. A-Okay.


Evidently it was once a gas station on Old 99. A different sort of fuel now. But equally welcome for a traveler.


They have inside seating too, but we’ve only ever eaten on the patio.DunsmuirBrewery3Welcome to Dunsmuir2“Welcome to Dunsmuir. We’re glad you’re here.” And you will be too.

Dunsmuir and their Brewery Works has a website, somewhat north of Really Redding.


Troxell’s Big Red Orchard at the Farmers Market

First a big update to my original post about Troxell’s Apples from Montgomery Creek.

It is not a U-Pick orchard.

Apparently somebody got quite upset when they could not pick their own after having read my original post. You can pick from the apples they have harvested for you, however. Sorry for any confusion. Here’s some good news though. You don’t even have to go out to Montgomery Creek.

You can buy these Fall apples from the orchard direct at the Redding Certified Farmers Market on Saturday mornings.

Troxells Farmers Market

Anyway, below is the original post from some time ago. Probably the prices aren’t current. You can always call them at (530) 337 6699.

Head out Highway 299 east from Redding for about 34 miles. Just past the Montgomery Creek School on the right, you’ll find Troxell’s Big Red Orchard. That’s the place to go to buy fresh apples. 19269 Montgomery Valley Drive.


Troxells6Troxells5Gerald Troxell will help you figure out which apple will work best for your particular appetite, or for what cooking plans you have in mind. They’ve got all the popular varieties. The Round Mountain/Montgomery Creek microclimate has always been well suited to apple orchards.

“A is for apple, shiny and round.”

Bag them yourself, a dollar fifty a pound.

(Edit) OMG You just have to try the King David variety!

Fall produce direct from the orchard. It’s Really Redding.


Jefferson Backroads magazine

I picked up one of these free magazines recently. “A happy little publication.”
JeffersonBackroadsBased in Grenada, this magazine and their Jefferson Backroads website are filled with smalltown ads and articles from around the Northstate. I see a particular emphasis on local history and special events. Nicely done. Grab a copy when you see it, patronize their advertisers, and Like them on Facebook. Keep up the good work, Jefferson Backroads. I’ll post a link in the sidebar too.

Moonstone Bistro in west Redding

We recently popped into Moonstone for Sunday Brunch.

Moonstone Bistro 1280Moonstone1

Moonstone CoffeeFrench press coffee for two, with hot from the oven scones.Moonstone scones Moonstone JoesAbove, Joe’s Special, and below, a Moonstone Benedict.Moonstone BenedictMoonstone Bistro has a website with menus and mouthwatering food images.
You can also get some essence of the character of this dining establishment in this excellent Tyler Faires video. Moonstone is featured from about the 7:10 to 11:00 mark.

To Plant a City – Creating Community Through Our Local Foods from Tyler Faires on Vimeo.

If you watched the entire video, know that alas the Lazy 69 Chicken Ranch is no more. Too bad. But Moonstone is still going strong. It’s Really Redding.

Blood Moon over Redding

I took this first shot around 8 pm, yesterday evening. The full moon was very bright.
Full MoonAnd then the second shot around 4 am today. Not quite the peak of the eclipse.
Blood Moon 2Coincidentally a few hours earlier, the SF Giants won an important game and secured a berth in the playoffs. So perhaps this isn’t a Blood Moon, but is instead a Giants Orange Moon.

Bids Bites & Brews at Shasta College

We attended the 2014 Bids Bites & Brews event at Shasta College’s farm. The proceeds benefit the educational program for ag students, and so all the workers and food prep was done with students.
SC Auction wideThe food was really terrific. I heard they harvested 2 hogs, and spent all day cooking. Yum.SC FoodOne of the auction items was this hunting dog puppy. Who can resist?SC Auction dogAlways a favorite as items for raffles, these long guns proved popular fund Auction gunsSc Bid Bites BrewsSD CarThings got a little fuzzy after all that. Good thing I had a ride home.

Harvest Festivals. That’s Really Redding.

Mill in Weed survives fire

We were in Weed for business yesterday, and were pleased to see a lot of it remains intact. Much of the images online lately have been of burned homes destroyed in their recent big fire.
Weed MillNot to diminish the tragedy in any way, but Weed was buzzing with activity yesterday.
Our fire economy at work.