We attend a 60th wedding anniversary in Redding

Larry and Sandy Mays were kind enough to invite us to their 60th wedding celebration at the Holiday Inn in Redding. They have a large family, and many friends, so it was a big party. Wow, 60 years!
Sandy and Larry MaysI first met them through the Shasta Association of Realtors. Both have been practicing real estate around here for a very long time.
Sandy is a past president, and is very active with board governance and committees. She taught the Orientation and Ethics class that all new local Realtors must attend when I first began in the business. She set a high standard, and it made a big impression on me.
Larry often gives the invocation at real estate related events. He always manages to hit that elusive sweet spot, just between self depricating humor, and profound spirituality and faith.

Larry Mays dancing
Larry Mays dancing with grandkids

Last May, Sandy officiated my daughter Erin’s marriage to Aaron Rader at Shasta Dam. She did a terrific job!
60 years married, and 0 years married. Some kind of circle of life is connected here.
Sandy Mays at  Shasta DamDancing MaysWhen asked his advice for a long and tranquil marriage, Larry offers up 2 words to remember, “Yes dear.”

Good advice.

Larry and Sandy Mays in Redding 2012 by Skip Murphy
A sixty year dance continues…
MaysChirsitmas2010 by Skip Murphy
Sandy and Larry, Christmas 2010 by Skip Murphy
The event was attended by many of their family, and a who’s who of the local Realtors. When they passed the microphone around in tribute to the couple, I let it pass me by. I always choke up in public. So belatedly, here’s my tribute to you guys. What I want to say is congratulations, and may you Mays’ enjoy many more to come.