French chef Reynald Tel wows the Miracle Mile

French Chef Reynald Tel in Redding CA

Reyanld Tel in Redding ca
Chef Reynald explains the menu. The menu changes continuously.
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Chef Reynald Tel
Acting on a tip from blogger Marc Beauchamp, we’ve become big fans of chef Reynald Tel and the Bourbon & Bull. He cooks with continental flair and friendly style, and best of all, he performs right in front of patrons. The grill is off to the side of the bar. The food is terrific and inexpensive.

Guilty confession: Although this bar is among the closest to my home, I’d never actually set foot inside until Marc’s article. Huh. Great scoop, Marc. The things you might learn about your hometown from a blogger. I’m telling you, don’t miss this treat.
Bourbon and Bull in Redding CA
Formerly BT's - Bourbon & Bull, 610 N Market St Redding CA - Open for Lunch and Dinner