When the going gets hot, the hot go to the coast

Smith River
Sometimes it can get just a bit too warm, too many days in a row, over the course of summer in Redding, and that’s when it’s time to consider heading for the coast. Only 150 scenic miles away, the Northcoast provides welcome dose of fog and seaview. Just the cure for a late summer meltdown.

The road over the hill past the Redwood Curtain offers lovely river canyon views, and you arrive in what might as well be a different country. Certainly, a different climate zone. The complete contrast provides a quick reset to the senses. In Redding, we are blessed with choices. Rivers, redwoods, mountains, ocean, all within range. It’s not Really Redding, but its not that far either.
Eureka Woodley Marina
If Redding was New York, the Northcoast would be our Hamptons.
Agate beach