
Hre’s a link to the MySpace page of Chico shoegazer the Soul’s Release. I love the name of this genre, shoegaze. I imagine young emo’s staring at their shoes earnestly.
Anyway I like the music. There are a few tunes availalble on the page and you can download it from iTunes if you are so inclined. Ran across the page on Craigslist, looking for a vocalist. Maybe you?

In a slightly unrelated matter, I hope to see you at today’s Blues by the River. And unrelated to that, here’s a photo of the base of Whiskeytown Falls I took a few weeks ago, but never uploaded. Suitable for shoegaze soundtrack (Fallsgazing?)
The base of Whiskeytown Falls


Mc Donalds in Redding
You deserve a break today.
Mc Donalds in Redding
The drive through is now a drive over. Oddly enough, as long as I’ve lived here, I never went in this building once. it’s not that I don’t like McDonalds or anything, but I was always kind of a PacOut guy when that was nearby, and now I live closer to the McDonalds in north Redding. This one always seemed for tourists. Out with the old, in with the new.
Mc Donalds in Redding

DMV sculpture

Sculpture in Redding
I remember when this sculture went up in front of the DMV. There was quite an outcry in the paper about misuse of public funds for art. The outcry has faded, but the art remains. Art can be funny like that.
Sculpture at DMV in ReddingSculpture at DMV in ReddingSculpture at DMV in Redding


Butch is the neighbor’s cat. He’s no ‘fraidy cat. I think you’ll agree he’s got good color for hunting in this terrain. Only his pink nose betrays him. And the fact he likes to roll around on his back a lot.
Butch the cat in Redding

After the fire

After fire in Mc Connell Arboretum
They opened the trail back up this morning so I went to see the aftermath of the recent fire. It smelled like burnt weenies, and the ash was still blowing into your eyes in the still-strong (still dangerous) north winds. It looks like most of it burned fast, and not too hot. I expect we’ll see a lot of the oaks return to life. It will be interesting to see the recovery over time. Fire is a natural cycle of events here, which is easy to say when it’s not BURNING TOWARD YOUR HOUSE.

I posted more photos at Flickr HERE
Turtles at Turtle Bay
The local turtles seemed not to mind at all.

Fire on a windy day

Fire in redding
I got that call you don’t want to hear at work. It’s a friend. “Hey, there’s a fire, and it looks like it may be near your house.” Sure enough, at about 11:30 and there’s a big fire in the north of Redding. You can get good coverage at and listen to the workers and fire people. It looks like we are not in the path for now, but the wind is scary.
Fire on Aug 26
Looking southeast. Fire is a fact of life (and death) here, so is not to be treated lightly. I make sure the pets are rounded up and we are ready to go. I hope all others are safe. I hope no workers are injured. I always feel a little anxious, when I wake up to a windy day in late summer. This year the oak trees seem under distress everywhere, and are unusually brown for only August. They almost looks like they do in October.