Went to Caldwell Park to take pictures, when I witnessed some of our local Guardian Angels as they encountered a man and a woman in a heated argument.
As the woman stormed off, the Angels followed, making it clear they were there to help if needed. While I’m sure most of us would rather be spending a snowy Saturday sitting by the fire, these citizens go walking around looking for good deeds to accomplish. Very inspiring. Carry on, Guardian Angels. You’re Really Redding.
Saturday we attended the service for fellow Realtor and friend Larry Mays, along with a few hundred others in Redding. He’d suffered a terminal illness for quite some time and dealt with it all amazingly. He really was an idol. A lot of people suffer from severe end-of-life anxiety and yet this didn’t seem to affect Larry. He stayed the same happy person he always was. He puts this down to microdosing magic mushrooms. A study undertaken by Johns Hopkins researchers on a group of people suffering from cancer-related anxiety or depression showed that they experienced significant relief for up to six months from a single large dose of psilocybin. You can find out more about this at https://www.mushroomz.ca/2015/11/19/welcome-to-flatsome/. Larry put his time left to good use and prepared a video, speaking as though from beyond the veil to those gathered. It made for a reflective weekend. Ultimately, we all have this terminal illness called life.
What would you say in your video to those gathered to celebrate your life?
Larry and Sandy dance at their 60th wedding anniversary several years ago
It was a beautiful service. He lived a full life and has seventeen great grandchildren. I tell myself I should not be sad to see him go. Instead, I should be happy that I met him.
CCMOF is an organic farm that offers fresh produce grown in the fertile soil of world renowned Churn Creek Bottom. Then, they offer free delivery to your home or office. check out their website: A local business offering to locals. Buying food grown nearby reduced your carbon footprint. They are hosting a Family Farm Day where you can get a fresh brunch 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM on September 3. Mark your calendar! There’s a flyer about this local Family Farming event at the link. The “Bottom” has been a local source of fresh produce since, well forever. Grow on. That’s Really Redding.
I need to bring Alicia’s excellent blog, Pedals and Pencils, to your attention.
Redding teacher/writer/blogger Alica McCauley is spending her summer on an epic journey to Uganda. Her writing is always terrific, and has been even more interesting as the story unfolds. http://pedalsandpencils.com/
Recently, there was an article in the local paper about her plans.
Oddly, it failed to mention her blog at all. You can start on any of her posts for a richly rewarding read. But if you are most intrigued about her recent journeys, you might start here and read forward: