Beermaking in Redding

A News Cafe ran the 3rd and final installment of my Homebrew series of articles. In case you missed it over there, you can link to it at the image below.

Filling bottles with homemade beer in Redding
And no, it has not been tested yet. We have a few more weeks in bottle before sampling. Darn it.

Beermaking 101

I went to Redding new Brewstore across the street from the library, and bought supplies to make an India Pale Ale.
A News Cafe has agreed to run my beermaking story on their website HERE. You can follow along in weekly posts as I attempt to make Igo Pale Ale.
Making your own beer is Really Redding. Really fun too, so far…

Trailer Joe’s coming soon!

Announcing a new franchise Trader Joes finally coming to the Hilltop area, bringing to an end the continual speculation of the “Buzz on the Street” guys in the Record Searchlight. Just today, there was ink spilled regarding how they just can’t get enough dried organic fruit and other snooty stuff at the Chico Trader Joe’s.

Trader Joe’s continues our community trend toward franchises and big box stores.

Seriously, where were the “Buzz” boys when local Bry’s Market was clinging to life?