Redding’s fire based economy

We have had economic change over the years, just like everywhere. Our area was once mining based, and then railroad based, and then logging based. Today we are more or less medical services, and retail-based. Except for the substantial part that is government-based. And a big part of that has become the fire-camp based economy.

To those who criticize the Stillwater Industrial Park, I ask: what’s your plan to provide jobs in the Northstate? The fire-camp based economy seems like a bit of a dead-end road. We’ve seen dead-end economic plans here before…

Fire in the neighborhood again

Pfft. The power went out only for a second. Enough to reboot. Later the sirens came.
Wildfire in north Redding
We’re told it was woodpecker this time. Last time it was a flaming squirrel.
Wildfire in north Redding
With a light breeze at my back, I feel better about this. It’s not moving fast and it’s going the other way.
Wildfire in north Redding
A nervous neighbor gets the woodpecker story. Photos by Skip.