Wide view of Mt Shasta Ski Park on an epic Saturday!

A gorgeous 60 minute drive north from Redding will deliver you to the Mt Shasta Ski Park. It has always had a great family atmosphere, with parents dropping kids off for the day, and where you often met your neighbors and acquaintances.


This year, they added a new quad chair lift to the 8,000 ft Gray Butte, opening miles of new terrain. And in the process, this will make it much more of a destination ski resort. The ski park has had some rough years recently, fraught with drought and pandemic woes. So delicious to see it on an epic Saturday, with hundreds of people reveling under blue skies with perfect snow conditions! Let’s hope this terrific weather continues.


Flying over the river after a Winter storm

Drone practice flight over the Sacramento River from the Bluffs to the Sundial Bridge with fresh snow on the mountains in the background. Click on the image below to enlarge, hit play on the video to watch the flight.Sundial Bridge with snowy mountains in the background

I’m still learning about shooting video with this new drone. For years, I have mostly only shot still images. Mostly for my real estate marketing. I’ve been working on video technique recently, but this still looks a bit jerky in terms of camera moves. Anyway, it was beautiful clear and cold morning in lovely Redding CA. Hope you like it.

3D printed homes come to Redding

So, evidently I live in a science fiction novel. They print houses in my town. And I took a photo of the work getting underway using a supercomputer/digital camera I carry around in my pocket. It’s easy to get bogged down with all that seems to be going wrong in this world. But given my perspective from across nearly seven decades of progress on this planet, so many things have improved greatly. Astonishing, really. #thisisredding

Printing homes in Redding

Weather West Blog

If you have managed to stumble on this blog, you might also be interested in Redding Weather. Redding weather is inextricably entwined with the weather all around us. And water issues as well. Of course, you can get current weather info in all sorts of media. But Weather West is where you can find more in-depth and detailed weather information for Northern California and beyond. Weather West is run by a climate scientist named Daniel Swain. I first began following him on twitter @weather_west. He has also recently begun a You Tube channel, to which I immediately subscribed. Click on the image below to be taken to his Weather West Blog. Highly recommended and relevant to Redding, and to everyone in California.

Weather West Blog

Heritage Day at Burney Falls

World famous Burney Falls is about an hour drive East from Redding. We went up for their Heritage Day festivities, and it was great fun. Here is Burney Falls:

Here’s an image of the event:

There were lot’s of demonstrations and participation for kids in various “Pioneer” crafts like wood cutting, branding irons, and (my grandson’s favorite) candle making. There was a BBQ food fund raiser by the local Rotary, and some Indian Tacos. Speaking of Indians, there was some Indigenous Dance demonstrations by (I assume) the local Pit River people. I read on the flyer where this is the first time they have participated in this annual event, so that’s both progress and sort of a sad commentary on what has passed for “Heritage” around here up until now.

I give it 5 stars, would go again next year. Best of all, admission was FREE.

Virtual tour of the renewed downtown Redding

I walked through the new downtown Redding shortly after it opened in early 2021, and I created this virtual tour. It was all so new and clean. It was almost startlingly surreal at the time. Some of the businesses seen in these images have already changed since then.