Whiskeytown Sailing Regatta 2011

Here’s a 3 minute video I took of Sunday at the Whiskeytown Sailing Club’s Memorial Regatta. That’s their big annual race. This year it drew about 70 boats. Always a beautiful setting for an amazing race.

Whiskeytown Sailing Regatta 2011 from Skip Murphy on Vimeo.

Whiskeytown Lake is located just west of Redding California.The Regatta always brings back fond memories. Karry and I used to sail our little yellow sailboat in the 1970’s on Whiskeytown. I rummaged around and found a couple images from slide film. Back when my beard wasn’t white, and when getting some sun was good for you. Good times!
Skip Murphy on Whiskeytown Lake in the late '70s
Sailin on Whiskeytown in the 1970s

Newshour changes for KIXE in Redding

Here’s an informative short video explaining recent changes at PBS Newshour. The Newshour is our primary source for national and international TV news.

Poignant journalistic quality at moment 3:44: “No one should ever be allowed to attack another anonymously.” If only our other news sources were so principled. I am so proud of our local PBS station KIXE. We’ve volunteered, and been members always. I hate to imagine a world without free broadcast TV for our community, and especially for our children. And if the only free TV content was commercial offerings, we would locally suffer enormous cultural loss. We are so fortunate to have KIXE in Redding.
Culture in Redding CABTW, I was also very happy as a member of the Board of Directors of the Shasta Association of Realtors to approve a request that we sponsor some programming this year at KIXE. These are tough times for our Realtor membership, but all of us felt strongly that KIXE is an essential part of our community, and deserving of our support. Thanks, Shasta County Realtors, and thank you KIXE!

A Tim Lincecum pitch seen at 1000 frames per second

The World Series winning SF Giants pitcher is shown in splendid action here, through the technical marvel of a 1000 fps video. Ordinary video is about 30 frames per second, so this visual gives you a lot more detail and a chance to view a very fast action move with unprecedented clarity.
The opportunity to see this world class athlete use his entire body to hurl the ball is a fascinating study in human kinetics. Not Really Redding, but the Giants rank as one of the most popular professional sports teams of our town of Big League Dreams.

Quick video of today’s Chamber Greeters at WinRiver

Always a blast to participate at the Greater Redding Chamber of Commerce’s Thursday morning Greeter’s Meeting at the Win River Event Center in Redding. Big fun in our small town. You can even watch in Hi-Def.

Our thanks to the Chamber, and to Win River. Business networking, it’s Really Redding.

Merle Haggard documentary gets a thumbs up

Palo Cedro resident Merle Haggard is the subject of this PBS documentary, available here. Below is an excerpt, but it leads you to the full version. Well worth your time.

Watch the full episode. See more American Masters.

Hag Fans are legion around here, but I admit I never got it. I first learned of Merle in the “Okie From Muskogee” years, which arguably isn’t his best work. Although he’s been a Shasta County local for a long time now, his music seems reflective of a style that was popularized elsewhere. This documentary changed my opinion, and gave me a new appreciation for Merle and his body of work. I intended to watch just a bit of it, but I found myself unable to stop until it ended. Kudos to the filmmaker, and to PBS for posting it. It’s given me a new-found appreciation that I never knew I could have in not only his line of work but the making of the documentary itself. I’m sure a lot of blood, sweat and tears have gone into this project, even the small things like using this DCP tool to edit the entirety of the film, as well as creating the sequence of ads that go before it. They should seriously think about showcasing it in small cinemas all over the country. It was that inspiring. You challenged my opinion, and expanded my appreciation for an artist with whom I had little familiarity. And a full blogger hat tip to Marc Beauchamp, who brought this film to my attention.

Come out to the Redding Dragstrip for Kool April Drags

Yeah, it’s fun to watch the custom cars go around in the parade, but then come on out to the dragstrip for some action!
Kool April Jet carsI took these shots in 2010.
The Redding Dragstrip is the oldest continuously operating NHRA dragstrip in the known universe. They make most of their yearly operating funds on this one big weekend, so come on out and support this Really Redding tradition! Here’s a 3 minute video we did in 2009 of the jet cars, shot handheld with a cheep-o camera. Big flaming fun!

“Star Dive” at the State Theatre in Red Bluff

State Theatre in Red BluffCraig Padilla recently uploaded a video made at his benefit concert performed at the State Theatre in Red Bluff from 2000. The show was intended to benefit both the State Theatre restoration project and the Red Bluff Skateboard Park, which was fundraising. The video, Star Dive, is classic Craig, and is fun to see again. Along with Venita Philbrick and others, I helped Craig produce the stage show, and did some lighting and soundwork. The video brings back some fond memories. The music stands the test of time. It still sounds great.

At the time, the State Theatre was not much more than a building with seats. The rescued remains of an old movie house. The stage had no lighting. We built a small setup structure out of ABS pipe (yes, sewer pipe!), and put up our usual low-budget lightshow. I suggested to Craig that he wear all white, so as not to be lost on the dark stage in dim lighting. At the last minute, Craig was able to talk Morpheus Lighting of Redding into donating some lighting for the show, and it made a huge difference. The videographer, whose name I don’t recall, sorry, mixed in the effects and projected it onstage. Awesome in person. The show was well attended, and we later got a nice thank-you letter indicating that the Skatepark had been built, along with the donations of many others. It was very gratifying.

State of the art back then, it looks pretty retro now. Crank it up!

Today, I see the State Theatre is still under restoration. Learn more at the State Theatre Restoration project. It’s a worthwhile project. The Cascade Theatre in Redding was in similar condition, and it’s subsequent restoration has proven to be the cultural spark that fires up the old downtown. We hope the same for Red Bluff.

Cascade Theatre in Redding CA
The restored Cascade Theatre in Redding CA

Quantum Swirl, a new video features our music

Here’s and video by a French artist made using music by Craig Padilla and me. Quantum Swirl is from our CD Analog Destination, and is one of my favorites.

You can even watch it in HD 720p. Enjoy!

This is a mash-up. Media created by mixing elements. French artist Zrnho did this without asking our permission, but in fact we were flattered. What’s the harm? Some other musicians we know were not so kind, and made him take down some of his pieces. Just bad ju-ju, I say. Online mash-ups recycle art into new forms. All part of our digital age. Thanks, Zrnho. We embrace the chaos…