We send our Curiosity to Mars

Our Mars mission that took off yesterday is nothing if not ambitious. If you haven’t seen it, check out this inspiring HD video from JPL that describes how Curiosity will land. It will be amazing if it goes as hoped. Best wishes from Redding to the Red Planet!
Curiosity launches from earth

Our thanks to NASA and JPL for the images. I suppose spacecraft and lasers have make sounds ever since Star Wars. Funny, I expected the video to be more Stanley Kubrick than George Lucas, but there it is.

Short video condenses 50 miles of the John Muir Trail

This lovely short video reminds me of my backpacker days. And will probably do the same for you if you’ve ever chugged up into the high granite country yourself. It also reminds me how much work it is to do good time lapse photography. Thanks for this, and a tip of the blogger hat to Tom Stienstra for bringing it to my attention. Expand to full screen and enjoy.

Wandering & Wondering from James Temple on Vimeo.

Nature by Numbers beautiful short movie

I’ve been a little surprised by just how many people recognize the mathematical illustration we used in our logo for our new venture, The Address Realty. I thought it a somewhat obscure figure of beauty in numbers. But a quick search of Fibonacci Sequence in Google or YouTube turns up a lot of hits. Definitely not obscure. Check out this beautiful visual work by Spanish artist and tutorialist Cristóbal Vila, set to Often a Bird by Wim Mertens.

Nature by Numbers from Cristóbal Vila on Vimeo.

Contemplative music video for a morning meditation

Ran across this on You Tube. A prolific poster going by 10zen10 has created a music video with pretty bird images taken by photographer Daniel O’Byrne. It’s set to the music I helped create along with Craig Padilla and Zero Ohms a few years back, a piece called Realm of the Spirit, from the CD Beyond the Portal, released on the Lotuspike label. A nice meditation moment to begin the day today.

Interesting, how these video pieces using our music that turn up, unannounced. Released into the wild, the music finds it’s own path.

Dad Life

Love this video. With Father’s Day coming soon, I thought I’d post it in the unlikely case you haven’t already seen it. What the heck, watch it again. It’s the Dad life.

Dedicated especially to a few dads here in town. Silas, Bruce, and David, who may feel I’ve been picking on them lately (I promise to stop now). Enjoy fatherhood fellas. It goes by much faster than you think.