Erin runs the Sacramento River Trail, working out in preparation for fundraising via Dancing with the Stars Shasta County. A fundraiser for The Shasta County Women’s Refuge.
It’s going to be a lot of hard work to get ready for this big event. Click on the image below to Like Erin and Max on Facebook. Thanks for your support!
Awesome site listing Redding area trails is online
You’ll want to bookmark this fabulous resource! This is the most comprehensive listing I’ve seen of maps and details of the Redding area’s world class system of trails. Click on the image to get to the site, or go to:
Thanks for this!

We ride Segways on Redding’s River Trail -short video
Strapped my video camera to a Segway and rolled down the River Trail to the Sundial Bridge, and around Turtle Bay Museum. It was my first time on a Segway. They are as fun as they look, and remarkably easy to learn and ride. If you haven’t tried this yet, you owe yourself a treat. It’s hi-def sci-fi life in ReallyRedding.
Turtle Bay to Hilltop River Trail sunset images
Here are a few images taken as we enjoyed a recent stroll on the newest segment of the River Trail across the Sacramento River on the new Highway 44 pedestrian (and auto) bridge. Then it’s back across the Sundial Bridge as it switches to Moondial Mode. Nice.
It seems like we now have a paved river trail that stretches from Shasta Dam to the Mt Shasta Mall and beyond. It’s your all day pass to the Northstate’s Magic Kingdom, and admission is priceless.
Free scenery, it’s ReallyRedding.
Ken DeCamp Photography tonight at Turtle Bay 6-8 pm
Ken DeCamp is a local photographer who takes terrific shots of the natural beauty found in the forests around us. You can view his work this evening at Turtle Bay from 6-8 pm. You can also see examples of his work at his website Well worth your time! Ken is an excellent photographer, and his work will open your eyes to our abundant local natural beauty.
These lichen images are by Skip Murphy, shot last summer on the River Trail.