
Shasta Dam with floodgates open

Redding is blessed by an abundance of fresh water.

“Freshwater makes up a very small fraction of all water on the planet. While nearly 70 percent of the world is covered by water, only 2.5 percent of it is fresh. The rest is saline and ocean-based. Even then, just 1 percent of our freshwater is easily accessible, with much of it trapped in glaciers and snowfields.” National Geographic

“Trapped in glaciers and snowfields” for a while, anyway.  The snow you see here gracing Mt Shasta will mostly melt away this summer.

We are having an exceptional rain year. I feared we would see mudslides and worse, similar to what Santa Barbara experienced in the winter after their last big fire. So far, so good.

The floodgates of Shasta Dam are not often opened. Check it out, while you can. It’s ReallyRedding.

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