Delta Fire pyrocumulus from the 3 Shastas overlook

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Timelapse 4K 1 frame per second, 9/5/2018. The very aggressive Delta Fire, burning just north of Lakehead.

Fire season this year is like nothing anyone has ever seen.

Anyone aware acknowledges that years of fire suppression and lack of adequate fuel reduction has created ticking time bombs in our local forests. This year, several exploded.

Underneath is all is the anthropomorphic climate warming factor. Several “warmest years ever” contributed to this terrible season. I don’t know how much of a factor climate was, and neither do you. But now anyone can visualize a worst case scenario where runaway thermal changes create constant explosive wildfire dangers. The effects of climate warming were predicted to take place across many years. I didn’t expect to see those effects so vividly on display in my lifetime. Is this our new normal?