Jury Duty for Federal Court in Sacramento

Citizens of Redding supply jurors for federal cases held in Sacramento. Perhaps you have received a similar summons, as did the lovely Karry recently.
Old town 13
Showing up on a Monday at 8 am is problematic, being a 165 mile drive south. So we went together down to Sacramento the night before. Of course, I captured a few Sacramento images.

Old town 15

“Your honor, at this time we wish to excuse the exquisite blonde bombshell juror for being just too darn distracting to the courtroom,” said an attorney, probably.

Anyway, the lovely Karry was cut loose fairly early on in the proceedings. Her civic duty faithfully executed, we happily headed north to Granzellas for sips and apps.

Sacramento is truly an excellent city to visit, either for duty or pleasure.
They even share our river. And as fortune would have it, experiencing the capital of California is a relatively easy 2.5 hours drive down Interstate 5 from Really Redding.