Picking local wine grapes for Moseley Family Cellars

Mimi from Moseley Family Cellars asked for some help with the picking and crushing of Zinfindel and Syrah grapes at Tuscan Ridge Vineyards near Red Bluff. I spent some time Sunday learning about harvesting wine grapes on a hot day in California. Learning by doing. I don’t have any pictures of grapes on the vine, since I was busy picking, not shooting. And then when I went for the camera, they were all harvested.TR6TR4TR3Picking isn’t a cushy job. I didn’t stay all day, but it served as a glimpse of life in the fields under a Northstate sun.TR2Tuscan Ridge Vineyards is a pleasant example of the Northern California style of life.TR1TR5I think the hot sun and adobe soil will impart the complexity of the terroir to the vintage. Looking forward to tasting the Moseley Zin that I had some small part in creating!