From Shingletown to Redding at 725 mph

Because at 730 mph, you might miss some of the nice scenery. Click start and hang on.

Shingletown to Redding at 725 MPH from Skip Murphy on Vimeo.

Time lapse driving from Shingletown to Redding California in Highway 44. Set to music by Craig Padilla and Skip Murphy, recorded live in the Schreder Planetarium in Redding. Excerpt "Aluminum" from the disc Planetary Elements on the Space for Music label.

In truth, no speed limits were exceeded. But here’s the equivalent for travelling 30 miles in 2.5 minutes from computational engine Wolfram Alfa:
Shingletown to ReddingSo technically, it was only 720 mph. Who would quibble about 5 mph when you driving at nearly Mach 1?

We local real estate agents like to say that Shingletown is only about 15 or so minutes east of Redding. But that darn precise Wolfram Alfa seems to think your commute would have to be at 120 mph for that 15 minute guesstimate to be true. Please take your time on Highway 44, and enjoy the views. Think about how those Bay Area and L.A. commuters would love to even travel AT the speed limit.