ESPN records an epic Street Legal event at Redding Dragstrip

The weather was perfect. The strip had a great turnout. Some seriously fast cars showed up. And all manner of road warriors tested their reactions and machinery, true to the spirit of Street Legal Racing. Here are a few images from last Saturday.ESPN shoot Redding DragstripRedding dragstrip by Skip MurphyRedding Dragstrip 2012 by Skip MurphyRedding Dragstrip by Skip MurphyWheelie by Skip MurphyRacing in Redding By Skip MurphyDiesel racer by Skip MurphyCorvette at Redding dragstripIt was also Big Bike weekend, so there were plenty of cyclists in attendance. It was a really successful event for our local, non-profit Redding Dragstip. I’m not sure when ESPN will run their footage on TV, but I will keep you informed. I volunteer to run their website, so I took a lot of photos I’ll be using throughout the year. Good work RDS. We are a car town, and this institution is Really Redding.

Big Bike Weekend by Skip MurphyStreet legal racing at the Redding Dragstrip