Redding area singer songwriter Tracy Jean Manuel has released a CD, humbly titled “Halfway Decent.” Listen up.
Blogger Marck Beauchamp pointed me to this brilliant local music. I know readers will want me to characterize the music in words, since that’s what blog writers do. I don’t have much patience with genres when it comes to music like this. It doesn’t fit well into a pigeonhole. At times it conjures earth and roots, colored with evocative Americana. Other parts swell and bloom with restrained electronic euphoria. It’s the mixture of those flavors that propels her work beyond easy categorization. You’ll just have to listen to it all, and decide for yourself what to call it. Luckily, she makes that easy.

You can listen to more Tracy Jean Manuel at the link, and then go on to download the whole work for whatever you think it’s worth. I think it’s worth a lot. Clever, thoughtful direct marketing, by the way. You can also order the physical CD, signed by the artist. I’d suggest you like Tracy’s Facebook page so you can keep an ear on future artistry from this complex and beautiful songbird going forth. Hearing it in entirety again last night, I wanted it to just go on and on. Good work Tracy. You’re Really Redding.